Reminds me of a short hike. Loved it nice cute little game and cute little cat

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At first it's just a hard as nails 2D platformer but turns into a heartwarming story about a girl overcoming her depression and anxiety.

I don't usually have that childlike wonder that I did playing games anymore. I think everyone loses that as they get older as well as nowadays it's blocked by the fact that under the hood I know everything in the game is within the bounds of what the developers have coded. This games atmosphere, story, and gameplay gets rid of all those boundaries. It convinces you anything is possible. The narrators continuously try to take control of your situation and you take it back every time by breaking the rules and making your own path. It lets you fully tap into that childlike imagination and it makes for an experience that everyone should have.

My new favorite 2D Mario game. Unbelievably creative and refreshing. Every level is fun at first but then they keep throwing new things at you and you really get taken aback by how much is packed into this game. New ideas and mechanics are being thrown at you, tossed out a second later, only for another one even more creative and fun one being tossed at you the next second.

Absolutely loved it. Can't usually get into RPGs but the active combat system makes it much more interesting and enjoyable. The cast of quirky companions and character flood this game with so much personality not many other Mario games can replicate. Felt like I was exploring a fully realized Mushroom Kingdom with people living there and having their own lives. Just nonstop fun puzzles and combat from start to end.