So far the longest Ys game I've played and the most modern version of a game. The game was as always another solid ys title that was decent fun all the way through and felt nice to play. The party system while interesting all I ever played as was Adol and got annoying to swap to one character just to open locked chests, which by the way the first locked chest you find is also when you can open locked chests making me question what is the point of it if there was never any back tracking like there is with some of the other abilities. I only filled out 97% of the map and about like 95% of the memories but it looked like I got everything so I am not sure if there was stuff that was just missable or not. The story also ends pretty abruptly and also makes me wonder if there is more story in New Game + to cover up the rest of the plot and the collectables .
Even though I think the story was fine only thing I wish was that some of the memories also focused on the event of Ys I, II, and III but it was nice to see Dogi there in one of them. He is the GOAT and should be in every Ys.
The Forging was interesting to as I kinda ignored it for awhile till partway in and found that it was pretty nice giving you weapons and armor more oomph but it never felt like it was needed to progress (on normal anyway).
Finally the combat felt the most involved so far doing the basic just tap attack button to attack but adding skills that you slowly unlock through the journey to add more flare to the combat with perfect dodges and guards built in to.
Another great title in the series but its going to be weird since from now on I think the games kinda jump around in quality since this game was in 2018 and the rest for awhile are going to be way before it.

I decided to go with the steam version of this game just cause I didn't want to play the snes version or the ps2 version since ps2 does not have a translation out there from what ive seen. Once again another good game in the Ys series and a decent jumping on point if you're not a fan of the bump system from 1&2 as this one goes for a more regular action rpg gameplay. The only connection between the this and 1&2 is Dogi from 1 is an important character as he travels with you to his homeland. The story is decent nothing too out of the ordinary it was nice seeing everything come together at the end. The gameplay while better then the bump system was good just had an issue with jump attacks and flying enemies but as the game went on I just got better at it. The bosses were mostly all good outside of a couple namely one near the end and the final boss being pretty annoying. I always found just leveling up once can make a boss go from hard to easy sometimes. Overall just another good ARPG that doesn't take a long time to beat

I think this game is an overall improvement to the first one. Things it lacked was that I need to check a guide often or I'd get completely stuck on some parts. Magic was a plus but the only offensive magic being fire kinda sucked. The bosses were made around being killed with only magic until the last 2 which is cool but since you only had fire magic that did get to homing upgrades it was a bit of a let down and the homing sometimes was not reliable so I would just manual aim instead. Overall this game felt like more of a complete package then I did and had a better story that connects with the first at the end and great characters as well. If I didn't mention it for Ys I I'll say it here but the music in this game is way better then it should be, the composers did a great job on it to make so many song that just sound so good.

Trying out all the Ys games and the first is definitely interesting. I technically played this on Steam but haven't actually play YII and the listing is for the bundle of games. The story is kinda you normal Fantasy RPG, you are a dude who got caught up in a storm and wakes up in a port town to then go out on the journey to save the world. The Combat is very simple as its just run into the enemy, but you have to do it off center of the enemy or from their blindspot which is interesting but used to it from playing Xanadu Next earlier this year. The final area of the game was really annoying, alot of going back and forth, even more so if you didn't have a walkthrough which I had to glance at one every now and then during it cause I got so lost. The Final Boss was also one of the most annoyingly hardest things in the game, but after finding his pattern and just restarting over and over I finally did it. Overall it was a decent game and I am interested in checking out more of the series now.

Very good and short Survival Horror. With some unlockables and secrets to find I seem myself coming back. Big fan of the look of the game. I had one issue with a puzzle being kinda confusing but other then that most of the puzzles aren't too hard that you get stuck on them, some of the side ones on the other hand might be a little confusing of the bat.

As a mecha fan somehow this game went under the radar for me till just the week before it released. Hearing from friends and others this seems to be a bit common for level 5. The game is mostly a standard hack and slash but somehow they made it fun enough to play through with out getting too boring. What kept me coming back the most was getting new parts to upgrade and customize my Megaton. The story was pretty decent too but the last few chapter seemed to be rushed and from what I can kind of make out from the type of game this is was that this game has a bit of a live service going on with it since there were times were it felt like the game had reached a story climax that you'd expect from like a mobile game story and you'd have to wait for the next part. The end of the game makes me think this more since it feels pretty sudden and there seems to be more unanswered questions out there. Though I have completed the story I imagine I'll come back to this game and grind out the extra missions to get new gear for my Megaton and maybe take on some of the harder stuff in Co-op. All in all this game was a fun time and I'm glad I found out about it.

Any game with a Dreamcast/N64 look I'm always interested in. While I didn't want to 100% this game I found it decently fun for the almost 7 hours I've played. Main issues were just me not getting into how the game controlled and almost wished there was a normal just jump button instead of how they handled it and some levels weren't as fun to explore as others were. Some maps being timed did suck, it wasn't too much of an issue till you get stuck on an annoying platform section and you'd have to leave the map and come back and get up all the time you need again just to attempt the platforming. One last complaint would be the bugs while not showing up alot made some sections annoying like I had fallen off of an area that needed the propeller power up but instead of putting me back to the check point it just put me half way through the platforming section with no power up and I had to start from the start of the map just to get back to were I was which was really annoying. Other then that I think the game is pretty fun and not to to difficult just annoying at times. I do also wish they maybe gave you more movement options but that might just be a me issue.

This is my first Fire Emblem I tried to go in as blind as possible, so I looked things up as little as possible which had bolstered and also made the experience much harder. Still really enjoyed it over all with a rough start with lack of a convoy to you reach around chapter 7 or 8 till you can access it so any new items on a character with a full inventory you had no choice but the chuck an item. The mid game felt alot better as I was able to form my army more to how I liked it only issue was not realizing that class promotions weren't only tied to a master seal so I stopped using some characters when they got to 19 not knowing the now promote at 21. At the same time I feed all my bonus EXP to Sothe thinking he'll promote to an assassin or something but hes actually locked to thief and Volke would only get a promote but later in the story, that was something I wish I knew ahead of time. Outside of some chapters being a little annoying the only big issue I had was the final Black Knight fight since I did not use Mist at all not know she would be there. Adding to this I final boss was way to tanky and I don't know how anyone could beat him without Aether and alot of Physic staffs. Overall playing through the game on the hardest difficulty for the western release wasn't that bad but I wouldn't have minded just playing on the difficulty right below it.

This is just what I wanted, a Jet Set Radio game that does not feel like ass to play.
best Indie of 2023 for me.

Finished with the current final boss of Calamity, but going through it brought a new challenge and fun to Terraria. The only issue I have is how insane the bullet hell it gets and if I wasn't playing with someone who had played through it before and also had a wiki I would have never completed it.

An amazing game that any Megaman fan will love. I'll be honest at first I didn't care for this game thinking it was too hard, but I realized I just needed to get gud as the kids say. Though in reality I needed to upgrade my character before I completed some stages. I also chose one of the harder stages first not knowing there was a difficulty meter so opps, but after upgrading I managed to get through the stages much faster and without dying as much. If I have one complaint its that the grapple that you have is a little under utilized and I didn't like how you could swing if you were on the ground and you had to jump first, it took me a bit to get used to it. The other issue was that you used the grapple to pick up dead enemies but since it also does damage and if you did enough over kill damage then instead of picking up the enemy it just killed them which was very annoying if you were planning to throw an enemy. Other then the few issues the game was alot of fun and going back through levels was great since I could start speeding through it it made me realized how good the speed felt in the game. A great game to pick up wither you see it on sale or not I recommend.

Really enjoyed this game, with its great movement and large areas to explore its a game that doesn't waste your time and can easily be done within 5+ hours for a good price too. My only issue was getting lost very early on and getting stuck somewhere that assumed that you needed more upgrades, but since this game is so open after just trying a bunch of times I was able to parkour out of there and make it back to the area I was before. Also anything with the N64/PS1 graphics always makes me happy.

Easily a recommend from me for anyone who has never played a Fire Emblem. Amazing character, voice acting, art, and music. The one big flaw is the map design as they are just the maps from the NES title Fire Emblem Gaiden, but as remakes go this one is a large improvement over the original.

A game 13 years in the making. Its gotta be my goty for 2023 as I was a big fan of the first Alan Wake and this one does an amazing job to bring that story into new modern gameplay taking alot from Resident Evil 2 Remake but it goes to show that it works well for Alan Wake as well

Very fun for the first few day, modding it has made the enjoyment more fun but has also made vanilla boring and has ruined parts of the experience now and ive gotten very drained on the game after 20+ hours