Really fun game, red haired Simon is cool as fuck and I enjoyed this a lot. Would like to say that I think the clock tower is fucking annoying lol, she wolf is such a hater tier boss character chucking shit at me.

Games honestly not as hard as I thought it'd be either, which was nice. Dracula was cool as fuck to fight. Good game.

It was ight, had some fun bits but overall just kind of didn't really care to play it too much. I like the Pizza girl skin, but there weren't many I enjoyed here personally. Lootpool was pretty good though, I like the scoped smg and twin mag AR.

They aren't ready for the Cable gun combo !

This game was real fun playing as bass but some of these bosses are very shit-asscore and the levels aren't too much better. But I get to play as bass!!!! My Black-Getter look-alike goat!!!

This game feels the most middle of the road for Megaman games, two of my friends really like it for how 'challenging' it is, but I feel like that's not completely worth the higher rating. Its fun though, not as bad as some of the ones I don't like, but also not as good as the ones that I think are better.

MM9 is fine. Heh.

Its pretty fun, definitely a little too linear and easy but that's not a big issue. It's fun to one shot things and the designs are cool. Safari is kind of ass though and much like most of the Pokemon games a bit, I don't really feel the want or need to do post game content. Maybe I'll chip at it later, not sure. It's aight!

Shaggy/Jason Combo is the strongest there is baybeeee

Way more fun then it has any right to be, and a great precursor to the more open universe of spiderverse shit.

This game was cool, I loved the small bits of storytelling about Sigma put within the game everywhere- I think Subject Sigma's original self having an actual role in this game was really neat and I wish we got something more similar for Delta. Though I guess in the case of Bioshock 2 proper, the idea is to mostly focus on his role as Eleanor's 'dad' while Minerva's den is on a different case. Good DLC, I like it.

This game is cool as fuck its like someone took all the best parts of 2000s edge and said "yeah this shit would go so hard as a biomutant rampaging monster" play it NOW.

It's fun, Idk nothing much else for me to type about lol.

This was an amazing game that felt really good to play and just dive fully into, I don't know how its rated majority on backloggd at lower then a 4/5 overall because it feels so solidly made. Def worth the 5mil it seemed to get through kickstarter and just as the dlc says: Iga is back baby! It's fun and amazing.

An incredible game about capitalism and it's fallacies, especially when in a morally bankrupt area- it even has a lot of messages and ideas of people that run rampant even day in society. (copied from my review of bioshock 1 remastered)

First game I ever 100% achievements for, super fucking good. Idk if I'd say its the best souls game, since I've only played 2-but its supremely well made and done. It's unironically done really well, and leaves me wanting even more despite finishing it thrice.

A fun action game from platinum, that at first seems to be kind of on the meh side of things until you start to see its true colors: a platinum/Gainax-Trigger/Super Sentai explosion combination. It works better then it should.