ill get back to this later i just fucking can't sit through this dooky dogshit atm lol

It's alright, quite a bit bullshit in areas but with a healthy amount of save scumming and making sure to collect the weapon orbs- it becomes much easier and quite quick to beat. Its whatever, there's worse games.

Its cool, I like this game way more then 1 and 3 but its not as fun as two for me. There are parts I like but there are bits where I feel like it just was a bit annoying.

I did have fun fucking with friends by rewinding after every death though! That was fun.

Was quite fun but for vaulting the katana they deserve to get less score

It's fun and can be challenging, plus its a really neatly designed game around it's aesthetic- but some of it can be mind numbingly hard. Once you learn that its more like solving a killroom puzzle in fps it clicks more, but can still be annoying at times.

Story was fine, a little on the simple side but I found it cool. Give it a chance if you can.

This game was real fun playing as bass but some of these bosses are very shit-asscore and the levels aren't too much better. But I get to play as bass!!!! My Black-Getter look-alike goat!!!

The games really fun, and honestly much shorter then I thought it would be. It definitely has that feel of love to it that makes it seem like it was made in mind for fans of the comics and the cartoons, which the characters we love in mind. There are a couple issues like a few uninteresting boss fights and the rewards for the collect-a-thon of riddle trophies is kind of sub-par, but overall the game rules a lot.

This game feels the most middle of the road for Megaman games, two of my friends really like it for how 'challenging' it is, but I feel like that's not completely worth the higher rating. Its fun though, not as bad as some of the ones I don't like, but also not as good as the ones that I think are better.

MM9 is fine. Heh.

Its alright, plays okay but is just such a pain to get anything done if you're not playing with friends. The buyable units also feel much more powerful then the ones you get just straight off the bat, and feel unfair to fight at times. Not to mention the buggy state this game finds itself in periodically.

I actually did not enjoy this game at all, and I'm 95% sure it's probably just a skill issue or something but damn is it annoying. Even if you're playing cuz "Muh top down one shot one kill like HLM game" you're probably not gonna get a lot of that here.

Actually a really fun but simple top-down shooter game, with cool upgrades and a unique style overall. Took me way too long to get through my backlog to do this game, but I really liked it overall. Glad to have finally make my way through it and finish it, didn't even take that long so weird it took me so long lol. Give it a gander if you like cyberpunk and science fiction futuristic games overall.

Pretty fun, I don't play a lot of platformer games but this was really fun. Strider Hiryu is a really cool and fun dude to play as and the game wasn't too hard, except for some moments that feel like I'm Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill. Good game. Play it.

My favorite indie game ever, I love it so much that it's hard for me to not say anything other then "yeah, this is my favorite game ever."

Not gonna lie, its actually kind of fun in a sort of simplistic way. Its kind of like playing a dumbed down armored core or Zone of the Enders, where you're in a giant arena and asked to fight other large monster/mech like enemies. Not the greatest thing in the world, but if you're looking for something easy to play try this.

Note: I played the psp version because that is the copy i owned as a kid and wanted to take a shot at playing again. Never played the console ports, though I guess i should take a look at them at some point.