came back to this site so i could give this dog turd a rating

Fans do what nintendon't

It's fucking happy wheels

The community is pretty unimaginative though so it's not as good as it should be

i was banned for three days for saying "damn" when someone called me a noob and threw a snowball at me

Fucking loved this game as a kid

Great gameplay but too grindy to be worth it

Literally one of the best multiplayer modes ever concieved

Great game that runs like a cripped guy with a mental disorder that just woke up on the 3DS

Ugly, buggy, drab, boring, bland
Yet somehow laughably enjoyable despite that on the PS3
Oh and also it runs like ass, and you can't get the Green Goblin DLC anymore

Good game, diverse tracklist, I still only ever ended up playing linkin park

The hundreds of hours I spent playing this game would probably have better been spent learning a third language, I had fun but it's just such a waste of time.