"Does Power mold into it's holder, or does it break the moral bones of your humanity and hold man captive?"

When a game makes you pace around your room and go through the suspects, motives and timeline as if you're a hard-boiled detective. You know it is something amazing. It is rare to have a game be so unforgiving, yet extremely fair in retrospect. To create levels that are able to spark that "Lightbulb" moment so consistently is magic. Unfortunately it is a game that is impossible to enjoy on replay. But for it's very modest price and the hours spent pondering the motives of egotistical pyschos, it is worth every penny and second.

"There is no crime in hoping..."
A culmination of every grimy noir film that rotted inside the addled brains of young teens, "Max Payne" is a game that holds up in its gameplay, impressively well. I really enjoyed the gameplay in the Rockstar developed "Max Payne: 3" as well, but it lacked the sincerity of what Remedy created with the original. It created atmospheres, landscapes. Though the platforming is spotty, the dream/drug induced episodes played through the eyes of the unreliably badass-ness of Max Payne bring a life and experimentation to the game. Well done. Excited to play the sequel.

When I started playing "Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six Siege" , It was the end of year 1. The game still setting its ground and making an impact. Largely I quit after the unfortunate pandering to pros instead of the larger player base. It is a game set in making the game feel equal, but the communication with teams is not as it was. Playing with a Five Stack of friends (even with the sad state of the current game and culture) is enthralling. You don't get the same technicality from even CS or Valorant. Ubisoft suckks...

"Maybe tomorrow is a day when the world comes together."

A world divided is no longer a world. It is a galaxy, far from any burning star or chilling moon. Sam Porter Bridges is the one to pull together a universe, and connect humans to a mirror of their grief.

"There is Nothing. Only warm, primordial blackness. Your conscience ferments in it _ no larger than a single grain of malt. You don't have to do anything anymore. Ever, Never... Ever."

To pinpoint what gives Disco Elysium such a rich, and auto -hermeneutic exploration of the human condition can be given to every facet of how it is built.

Video-Games are a medium unique and varied in its ability to connect to how the player perceives reality. "Disco Elysium" is what happens when the writing, art direction, voice acting and gameplay all attempts to hit you in a spot cerebrally, and emotionally.