Game made me project waaaay too many conspiratorial thoughts into my headspace, don't wanna elaborate because Backloggd really ain't the site to talk about real shit like that.
Gameplay is about as smooth as something on rails could get. Played with both M+KB and a 360 Controller, both are good options, but I had an easier time with M+KB.

Another outstanding title that gave me the magic of multiple worlds idea when I was younger.
Back in Highschool I used to multiplayer emulate this during lunch and fight against my friends, one of them used to beat my ass as Strider. Good times!
It's fun going through arcade mode to get all the endings because you could always just play whatever team and in the final boss kys then switch to Mega Man + whatever character ending you want then use him to laser beam cheese and get the last hit with your latter character.
Also has some cool hidden characters like Roll which is always fun!

Babies 1st Brawler.
It's good for that, idk if it's the best for that. The combat distinguishes itself in a way that's pertinent to the character, short hop air combos and a reliance on your various breathe types are a more viable strat than the stiff basic attacks on the ground, which I appreciate.
Each level gives an opportunity for environmental kills, example in Dante's Freezer (idk if that's like a play on words to Dante's Inferno) you can knock down snowballs from trees and attack with those, or in Munitions Forge you unlocked the ice breathe by then letting you freeze and roll enemies into lava which is fun.
The story is high fantasy and quaint with some great voice talent selling it, but yknow it's not the most epic thing.
So yeah it's a good time, I really do think it's just OG Spyro purist dogpiling this series whenever I hear it brought up.

I cannot stress how truly magical it was to see this title on ads back in the day, then to play it, experience, and realize that the magic of life is 1 world for multiple worlds.
FusionFall is Cartoon Network's evolution and coup de grace of the CN City era, with the environments in those bumpers being expanded upon, in desperate struggle against the corruption of Fuse.
Times have past and this IP has long been abandoned however through efforts has been constantly revived, with the current most (6/7/24) definitive way to rexperience the original and all it's expansions via OpenFusion.
For MMOs I personally don't expect much from the combat however, because OpenFusion is (ofc) open source you can edit the code for singleplayer and unlock the quick switching combo system, this greatly increases the addictiveness of this title for me.
Many projects have spawned from this open sourced title and it's such a beautiful thing to see what fans have done capitalizing on that inspiration in the seeds that CN City has sewn into children around the world!

Yknow in retrospect Battleborn should've won against this game, cuz at least that one had a campaign and I thought the art style looked better but I bought into the Overwatch hype.
I had fun with this game but 2/5 cuz it's not like you could play this version again anyway. Not yet or not ever Idk.

If you got 5 buckaroos lying around, the duology is a pretty neat look into gaming history since one can assume that they trialed what would be Arkham's combat in these games. Also the ending ties in a little more with the movie's flashback sequences which is neat.

The Wii version has lighting issues that not only make the game uglier but holds you back during the Isla De Muerta boss fight and if you don't swap the sound options in the system settings it's vulnerable to crashing.
This would be a standard 3/5 Lego game otherwise, these titles are always a good time and the Pirates theme makes sense for how these games play.

A Gun focused DMC clone, DMC 2 attempted a shooter focus but the guns and powers in this mog DMC 2's arsenal, honestly should've beaten this before that game since it's a shorter experience.
The platforming in these AA action titles is usually a drag but Spawn is one that does it better.
Also its got Marilyn Manson in the credits and I'm a fan.

Yea it's pretty good for what it is, the dialogue is mid, the music is mid, the game crashes once in awhile, and there was a bug that wouldn't let me pick up Muriel's note to expand the Void skill tree. The game is a fun time though, the pacing of the story reminds me of a Netflix show and while the combos in this are simple when compared to other 3D brawlers on the market its more satisfying comboing the spells you unlock throughout the game, the tools for combat compliment each other well enough. Also the game is extremely generous with checkpoints which bandaids the crashing issues. This is that AA gem game you'd come across in gens past, but don't see much in 8th gen, I got it on sale and it's a pretty good time if you can snag for $5 or lower.

The minigames have dogass collision and the rewards did not age well.
You're gonna play this shitty game with 1 hand as oppose to just going on Rule34Video 3D tag?

I found it worth the wait! Game play is very addictive and you love to see these "flash to full release" success stories!
Loved the resourceful combat loop and the extensive post game.
Great amount of post launch support, by the team at Gibbing Tree. Outstanding work on this arcadey title!

If you need funny money for the Steam sales then idk a better game to farm.

Was better off playing literally any other competitive game, I didn't even intend to play the updated Summoners' Rift when I started. But hey at least I had some fun owell.

I remember being really excited to play this as a kid and thugging out the dogshit controls. Not even worth a revisit it plays so bad.