48 reviews liked by Blinkshadeye

danganronpa and ace attorney would be about 3x shorter if cole and rusty were there

There's a man who has artistic vision,

He's showing up Rockstar with each decision,

He makes it in a flash,

And all the assets clash,

Do his artistic skills know no boundaries?

Rockstar, hire this man,

Rockstar, hire this man,

He's using Unreal Engine in any way he can,

Take Carl Johnson's model for the first step,

And put him in a field filled with stock assets,

Then adjust the lighting gain,

And though it runs at 40 frames,

This man's still a master of the medium,

Rockstar, hire this man,

Rockstar, hire this man,

He's using Unreal Engine in any way he can,

Make a model's textures look realistic,

With no regard for artstyle or the aesthetic,

Oh, crank the bloom and then,

It'll really look next gen,

This man truly is a fucking genius,

Rockstar, hire this man,

Rockstar, hire this man,

He's using Unreal Engine in any way he can,

Silent Hill HD Collection 2: Electric Boogaloo

this is Grove Street Games you guys... CJ and his brother made this all by themselves... be nice :(



My first playthrough as a grown adult I believe.

Considered docking this for the cringe Rockstar humor. Although I do think this game is pretty funny at times. The big punchlines (HUHUH INCEST!) aren't funny but the random NPC banter is good shit. The open world is still one of my favorites. The random chaos happening across school campus is hysterical.

I only found 1 mission to be flat out bad/poorly done. Maybe not all compelling and some simply shouldn't have made the cut (ie. the weird pervert ones) but I wasn't struggling. The story's a bit of gibberish because the main character Jimmy Hopkins is a flat out dumb fuck. On one hand his character is embarrassing but on the other it's a unique experience. How often do you play as a complete, bumbling moron? Albeit one who can destroy an entire school with his bare hands.

I feel like I should have more complaints but I thoroughly enjoyed my replay of this game. Alexa play What More Can I Say