The only weak-spot of this game is that it doesn't have every card. That being said the cards you catch are all direct references to the episodes in the anime. The pixel art is beautiful, especially for the cards, and the game is fun and diverse with multiple different mini-games. It's easily beatable but that only makes it even better speed-run material. All around recommended to any and all SCC fans out there!

Probably one of the best games to play while high, especially with a friend. When you actually perform the blood sacrifices and the goats kneel before you as you aqcuire the powers of an evil god that can control gravity shit starts getting real good.

This game was THE SHIT back in the day. Mecha musume taken to the extreme, I'd call it Medabots meets Senran Kagura. Almost every part was interchangable, gameplay was sweet, missions were really nice, both solo and co-op and the versus was laggy but still pretty fun.
They made a new version of this game on steam but it's sadly not as played as before, but boy what I'd give to get back to the good old days when this game was peaking.

This was my very first Pokemon game, so it holds a very special place in my heart. It also was in japanese, so I didn't understand shit and couldn't finish it until I actually got the Red/Blue (western) versions. That being said, Bulbasaur was and always will be my favourite starter, so having his final evo on the cover makes this one of the best Pokemon games out there.


I'm just gonna say it. Underwater combat was badass.

Not much to say, MTG brought to a F2P game with a big amount of cards and an easy way for everyone to earn them. Events happen regularly, and with the addition of digital-only Alchemy format this game just keeps growing. Highly recommend it to any MTG fan out there.

Me and my cousin spent waaaay too much money on this arcade back in the day. We never finished it because we were stupid and kept going back for more tokens and starting the game all over again. Worth every penny.

Oh boy remember when this was a thing?

A classic at this point, unique mechanics, nice script and really nice graphics for the date. Pretty much a (non) hidden gem.

Honestly like fuck this game man.

They tried to imitate Monster Hunter.
They didn't.

Waifus that turn into animals bro, like why aren't we still playing this in 2022?