12 reviews liked by BlueDestiny

Probably the best 8-bit RPG I ever played! Thanks to the auto map feature in Phantasy Star, I get to play this game with ease. (Though I would love to draw out the maps but I don't have the time sadly) It's been so long since I play a game with a sense of adventure, The first person dungeons, the animated turn based battles, it's a typical 80s RPG but holds up really well and I was hooked from the beginning. I felt good on figuring out where to go and following clues from NPCs as I were on this epic quest and mastering dungeons it's no wonder this game is a classic. It was just comfy to play.

I am surprised by how good this game is! Fushimi Tsukasa did a great job as he understood the appeal of 1st Vision era. This game is a raising simulation game like the past idolmaster games. You play as a producer and you help raise stats of the idols and communicate with them. What I like about this game as the language barrier is probably the easiest imas game for Japanese learners as it's takes place in a school setting. That means that there is no technical showbiz or business language plus it's fully voiced. I highly recommend this game for people that are learning Japanese.

We are so fucking back. Fushimi Tsukasa is a hero

Possibly one of the most cynical and joyless videogames i had the displeasure of replaying. Ken Levine genuinely thinks you're stupid for playing this game.

A game so deathly afraid of offending anyone, it says absolutely nothing. Ken Levine resents the fact he's a game designer

A really well designed, beautifully presented and unique-feeling game, which is all I could ask for.

There's a lot of customization you can do with the units which can feel overwhelming but seeing your hard work pay off is extremely satisfying.

The story is a fairly typical SRPG fantasy tale, but the presentation makes it feel really good to witness. The fully 2D world is a pleasure to look at, the Japanese voice acting resonates deeply, and the soundtrack is spectacular and moving.

While Innocent Sin feels like the introduction in terms of gameplay, mechanics and story, Eternal Punishment ramps up its difficulty and stakes in terms of gameplay, giving more proper cohesion and make you fully invested during the combat (though, if you play your cards right, you could end up just spamming Last Quake or Meltdown for most of the game), the rumor system offers more fun results that gives you a complete edge on certain levels and the cast is fantastic.

Despite its reputation as "the snob's choice" in the series, it is just a really well made duology where every single theme, character and meaning come together into a full circle, a coming of age on the most extreme way possible with a nice sprinkle of lovecraft into it.

I got this incredible flow state from it. Pacman is a very simple game but this shows you can really add a lot to it in a meaningful way.

One of the best bishoujo game I ever played and wow what a wonderful game. It's one of those games that you just sit back and relax. I don't know how to say it but the characters are great and fun. I did every route. There's no big plot or anything but a romantic slice of life that became a classic. No wonder To Heart series are fondly remembered.

getting to play this and having my own yukiho card is top five best experiences in my life tier.
it is very expensive though, I'll probably get through it slowly

Very charming and cute. It's more or less what you'd expect from the concept - an open world spin on Boku no Natsuyasumi. There's lots to do in it and it feels great to just roam around. Plenty of interesting and cute character interactions and lovely music and presentation.

My biggest problem is that the switch doesn't run the game very well and it's often noticable. The draw distance isn't great and the framerate drops in certain areas. Worth a try though, and the language is quite simple if you want to use it for practice.