7 reviews liked by BomagJJ

It was pretty solid. The main problem with it is, that while the first game felt like Insomniac set out to do the Spider-Man game the fans have always wanted, the second one feels like it was built to be a sequel to the perfect Spider-Man game.

The story isn't nearly as heartfelt as the first one. While they did try to make you feel some sort of emotional connection to Peter and Harry's friendship, there's just not enough time spent on their relationship for it to have any impact. Additionally, Miles feels very much like a side character to Peter's story.

While the movement feels nice and the new combat mechanics are fun for the most part, there were some questionable changes to the formula that don't quite hit the mark for me. Removing a lot of the equipment and the Perfect timing window for combos make the combat feel inferior to the first one, despite the addition of combat skills. Also, the wing suit is just a baffling addition to a game where moving around the city is such a core part of the experience. It feels very much tacked on to alleviate the problem of having a much larger map than the first one.

All in all, while I did enjoy my time with the game somewhat, its iterative nature made it hard for me to feel the same excitement that I had for the first one.

It’s a big old beautiful bit of box-ticking and collecting which feels surprisingly characterless considering how seriously it takes itself

Reasonably enjoyable, but disappointing.
- Excessive quippy dialogue that becomes annoying fast.
- Unnecessary padding that goes nowhere.
- Serviceable, but flawed, combat.
- Some nice visuals and cool moments.
- A story that tries to cram in too much.
- A decent game, but a soft 7 to its predecessor's hard 9.



It's alright but the fact that it got nominated as a GOTY is laughable

There is no such thing as a perfect videogame, but this is the damn closest I've ever seen one get.