Personally enjoyed the story and weapons more in this on.

Main reason I decided to start on my adventures along with Tommy and the boys was because i have been watching The Sopranos. The story was great overall just a few things in the game bothered me and it was all game mechanics like driving was a pain and the lighting in certain areas was pretty meh. Overall a solid 8/10 (Rounding to 4/5)

I have played few rail shooters in arcades before and they were always pretty fun, but Panzer Dragoon Reminded me just how fun they can be. I ended up one credit clearing the game on normal difficulty in about 35-40 minutes or so and had a blast.

The game looked great and the sound design was pretty good except the cutscenes sounded horrible for whatever reason.

I can see myself coming back to this game a couple times a year just for fun. I think my overall score would be a 6/10 since there isn't a whole lot to score on. I highly recommend the game to anyone who likes rail shooters or just want's a fun and quick game that has quite a bit of replay value.

Played it on the Sega Genesis Collection on my Switch and wasn't really expecting too much from it. It was an ok game and cant really be too critical on it given how basic it is. Although the Death Bringer boss fight at the end was very annoying due to the skeletons, but overall was an ok way to spend an hr.

First off I want to say this game is my first introduction to Dungeon Crawlers, so I didn't know what to expect from it besides the basics.
PS. This is pretty much a spoil free review I just touch upon the basics of the story that you learn in the first 10-15 minutes of the game and the mechanics.

Starting this off with the weakest link of the game would be the story with how basic it is. It starts you off after making your team in a test to wipe out ink fiends as conscripts for the Shogunate. After you pass your trial you go to Edo Castle which acts as your base and you have access to 4 things being Team list, Temple, Trading Post and the Labyrinth. You get a few tid bits of of story in the labyrinth and from the narrator basically after a dungeon clear. The amount of text i got for stroy equated to roughly one chapter of a book if that. So don't go in expecting a good story.

Onto the Art which was the reason I decided to pick this up for my switch and is probably the main reason other people want to pick this game up, besides looking for a new Dungeon Crawler. I personally love ink and watercolor and the art style feels like a mix of both and I will say they executed it well and it fits the theme of the game.

Definitely some gameplay of all time, but not in a good way or bad way. There are no tips to help you along the games so guides are helpful if you get stuck or lost. My main issue with the combat was how sporadic and easy your characters can die in one shot to non boss like enemies and until I learned the basics of the game it happened often. Even when it comes to bosses half are easy and the other make no sense on how they spring up in difficulty.

The first 3 labyrinths out of 5 are pretty easy although you can pass by some things if you don't know about what some spells do to make it easier to find hidden doors and whatnot. When you don't know what your looking for it requires a lot of backtracking I don't know how many times i trekked through each labyrinth until I figured out how to get to the next floor of it. So expect a lot of back and forth and dealing with enemies in the same spots you already cleared 10 times before hand.

Characters and how confusing they are if you don't know anything about RPGS or Dungeon Crawlers specifically. First off when you start the game you can use the premade characters which I don't suggest you do, since the issue with them is they have very low bonus points and if you make your own character you can reroll till you get 20+ pts to allocate instead of six or something. There are also different races like Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-Oni, Neko (Cat people) and a monster race I forgot about. I suggest using Humans since they are a neutral race and are suited for either the front or back row ( 3 people in the front like warriors and samurai with Wizards and Clerics in the back). Once you make all 6 of your conscripts to your liking you start the tutorial.

Edo Castle was pretty cool at first with the 3 different things you can do there being Trading Post where you buy and sell items and can put stuff into storage and your storage being the most basic thing same with the store is pretty annoying. Can't organize either your inventory or storage besides the order you put them in. I would like for a revamp of them but i doubt it.

Oh boy, I can't forget about the Temple and how it rips you off with the prices for resurrection and Purification. So purifying a character removes ink that reduces your health with ink and some monsters are annoying with it. It costs 30 or 60 sen which is the currency in the game per hp point. Then reviving a character costs more the higher the level i think it's 600 per level since my lvl 20 at the time cost 11k give or take to revive. They need to reduce the prices for the earlier games since you gain currency at a snails pace and making a new character takes a long time since xp gain is very slow.

Finally my last topic of today will be the barracks where you can edit, make new characters, delete and change classes which is the most important aspect of this category. You will have no clue how classes coexist with each other unless you figure it out yourself, hoping you don't lose your other skills from your current class or know what classes work together without playing for a while.

All in all the game is ok would i recommend it at the $30 price tag then no, but I picked it up on sale for $17 and that is about the price i would give the game. I had a lot of gripes with the game and a mechanic that cause me to level 3 new characters in the last labyrinth which made me spend an extra 8 hrs farming xp. So with all my gripes and with the game i did enjoy playing it until the last 1/3 of the game where i had to look up a guide to figure out what I was doing wrong with my characters. If you go in with some knowledge on how the game works and it's mechanics or at least just the classes then you will have a good time.

Thank you if read this review with it being practice at writing my thoughts on things and I'm trying to get better at it along with my grammar lol. Rating 4.5/10

It has a pretty slow start, but i wouldn't mind doing another playthrough since i understand how to play turn based strategy to an extent since this was my first one to play

Started playing on xbox back in 2016 when the center had just released before the redwoods came out for it. The buggies, most corrupt, time consuming and soul sucking game there is. One of a kind game its a 1/10 and a 10/10 at the same time

It's almost a 4 for me but i didnt care for how some of the ai worked

First game i have played of the the Adult Visual Novel and it was better then i was expecting it to be for the story. Still kind of meh but an average game

Its a fun af game just tedious at points and can get boring after a while. Probably something i will play for a couple months at a time every year or 2.

I love the art style of Borderlands, but i have 2 complaints with the game. First is that it doesn't really matter how good your accuracy is because you can be aiming crosshair on their noggin and the bullet go 15 feet to the left. Second is the random invisible textures through out the terrain.

Felt like a whole other Bioshock Game and not a dlc. Bioshock 1.5