Overall the story is good but some of the characters are obnoxious.

Really nice 2d anime themed platform shooter.

A short game with a pretty solid story. The game needs a bit more optimization.

Really fun but made be a bit dizzy

For a game that only took me 15 minutes to beat it was surprisingly good. The scenery is great, combat is fun but a lil janky and the story is nice.

I love the art style of Borderlands, but i have 2 complaints with the game. First is that it doesn't really matter how good your accuracy is because you can be aiming crosshair on their noggin and the bullet go 15 feet to the left. Second is the random invisible textures through out the terrain.

Its a fun af game just tedious at points and can get boring after a while. Probably something i will play for a couple months at a time every year or 2.

First game i have played of the the Adult Visual Novel and it was better then i was expecting it to be for the story. Still kind of meh but an average game

It has a pretty slow start, but i wouldn't mind doing another playthrough since i understand how to play turn based strategy to an extent since this was my first one to play

It's almost a 4 for me but i didnt care for how some of the ai worked

Felt like a whole other Bioshock Game and not a dlc. Bioshock 1.5

Personally enjoyed the story and weapons more in this on.