I hate to say I feel very ambivalent towards this game. I was obscenely excited but honestly I didn’t love the story and I feel like the gameplay isn’t exciting enough to warrant full price compared to just playing the last game again (though the swinging is top tier of course). Was the last PS5 exclusive I played before jumping ship to Xbox.

While David Gaider’s departure is sad, (not to mention all the BioWare employees laid off after the completion of Dreadwolf) I think this DLC is a sign that Patrick Weekes and the team around them is well equipped to at least write a good story for Dreadwolf. A properly great conclusion to the main game that’s sadly locked behind a paywall. This actually got me hyped for Dreadwolf.

While David Gaider’s departure is sad, (not to mention all the BioWare employees laid off after the completion of Dreadwolf) I think this DLC is a sign that Patrick Weekes and the team around them is well equipped to at least write a good story for Dreadwolf. A properly great conclusion to the main game that’s sadly locked behind a paywall. This actually got me hyped for Dreadwolf.

I’m a big proponent of the idea that Dragon Age should be much more linear than Inquisition was. I think 2 maybe overstepped on that but Origins was the perfect mix between open and engaging without stuffing in 20 hours of grinding inconsequential side quests between story beats. However, I just can’t say this was very intriguing. Mostly, I was doing it to get to Trespasser.

I get why someone would love this but I think it just adds more of the open world grinding that I did not like about the original game. Interesting story I guess.

I think this a flawed game that’s also pretty good. My biggest issue are the holdouts from when it was more MMO-like. The timed wartable missions, the 20 hours of grinding between major quests, it all feels like a chore. It sucks too! There’s some great story moments and the companions are all interesting in their own ways. I think Dreadwolf could be genuinely really great, but it has to prevent itself from falling into Inquisition’s traps. I’m not sure these games are built for open worlds.

Has good loot at least! It’s okay but a lot more of walking around finding where to go

I absolutely love Shale and they fit into the storyline like a glove (especially because they were actually supposed to be a part of the game from launch). Outrageous to charge for this, ultimately a very good character.

It’s fine. Tallis is kind of fun and it’s clear Bioware wanted this to be “the fun one” where the characters let loose a little bit, but ultimately it’s not a necessary storyline and feels like a bit of a chore (who thought that stealth section was going to be fun?)

More interesting gameplay than the base game, and ties in well to Inquisition

I just don’t care much for Sebastian. The other rogues are more fun and interesting characters and compared to Shale in Origins he doesn’t fit into the narrative very well at all. When it came to his added dilemma at the end of the game I really didn’t care about how he’d react.

I liked this but after finishing the original game it feels like a chore to add an extra 10-20 hours of playtime even if it leads to the next game

Embracing my truth as someone who actually does like this game a lot even if it is not nearly as good as Origins

Played for the first time last month. Absolutely incredible RPG experienced, almost unmatched levels of detail ESPECIALLY for the time.