Winston used to scare the crap out of me... He can stay in the freezer.

Played this quite a bit as a kid, although I never finished it because it became too difficult for me. I'll probably finish it someday. ^^'

Viva Piñata (original and TIP) is so relaxing; it's the perfect game to chill with.

I remember watching my closest older sister play this until late at night; it was such a cosy time.

A couple of years later, I got myself this game and spent a long time being addicted. I would sometimes spend days doing nothing but watching the Piñata animals walk around the garden, interacting with different items and with each other.

Crash is Crash.

We all know Crash.

I believe this was my first ever PS1 game. I once saw my brother playing this, and it immediately caught my interest.

My brother gave me his PS1 one day, and so started my fun and challenging journey with Crash Bandicoot!

I'm not even sure what to say...

This was an amazing adventure!

To The Moon has a beautifully bittersweet story... It had me in tears by the end. There isn't much to the "gameplay" aspect of the game, but the story is definitely what makes it special, at least to me. I feel like this is an experience you should have, at least once.

This game... This game was one of my favourite things about my childhood. The Sims 2 helped me get through some rough times with hours and hours of fun and distraction.