12 reviews liked by BozoDLuffy

I'm glad I picked this as my first Tales of game. I enjoyed the gameplay, the story, and most importantly the characters. The only thing I'd say is the music is forgettable at times. Other than that, I love this game and I'm glad I experienced it

Fantastic cast and good story, its just held back by some weird pacing and godforsaken level design
Even though the first half is rather weak the second half makes up for it by being fire af even if I'm somewhat mixed on the ending

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I really liked the story and the characters.
The gameplay took me a little bit and maybe wasn't for me, but still enjoyable.
Really loved the world.

I found Velvet to be a very compelling MC. Her arc was great, though i felt it stretched out just a little too much- the pacing especially was hurt by it.

Eizen was fantastic.
I'm happy this was my first foray into the Tales games.

A game that continued to exceed my expectations at every turn, expectations that were high to begin with when I started it. One of the most magical gaming experiences of my life that made the 90 hour journey feel like 10 hours.

The ending, while feeling mixed about it at first, has grown on me the more I think about the possibilities.

Put me in the realm of darkness I would've gotten her out of there in a week tops

I'm not gonna pretend this game is perfect because it really isn't, but it was the game that rekindled my passion for gaming as a whole and made me start playing again. I'll never forget that

I don’t care what anyone says, I adore this game. The story did leave something to be desired and the combat can come off as wonky at times when compared to other ARPGs and FFXVI’s combat, but the main cast of boys is what carries this game in my opinion. Seeing them grow and travel together was (in my opinion) enough to push me to finish the game to the end credits and even leave tears in my eyes as the game came to a close. The graphics hold up beautifully to this day and the music is chefs kiss. The antagonist comes off as compelling when you delve into their backstory but, again, there are cracks in a lot of the story and using other media to supplement that is pretty meh. Lunafreya as a love interest is pretty mid tho too.

love the boys but i hated playing this game.

Stripped-down MOBA that could be a solid casual game if it weren't for the anti-competitive mobile philosophy.
+ simple but fun gameplay with intuitive progression
+ decent controls given the platform (rarely overbearing auto-aim)
+ bright presentation fitting for a Pokémon game
- small free character roster and very expensive unlocks
- terrible matchmaking that takes quite a while to gauge your skill level
- typical mobile interface with annoying notifications everywhere
- significant stat advantages for either paying or month-long grinding (even in ranked matches)

Horribile gatcha system, with a nice and cozy world. I'll never touch it again

edit: Get Ratioed