PEAK PEAK PEAK. The brotherhood on display is palpable af. Some of the moments in the story were legit so epic my jaw was on the floor. Music is still stuck in my head. Combat was flashy and badass. Ending made me cry, hard. 10/10

Honestly considered giving up on this game mid way through. The open world is bland, the cinematography and sound design are very odd at times, the combat can become stale... but man did the ending hit like a truck. The lore of this game is super interesting, and the soundtrack is a banger. Very glad I saw it to the end, it was a fun journey with the boys. (Also, I watched the mediocre movie and played all DLC)

60 hours to see credits… Actually amazing. Pinnacle of gaming. The open world is actually so free and fun to explore. The story hit all the right beats, I don’t even mind the changes at all. This game is a love letter to my heart. I love FF7 Rebirth, and it is a MUST play.

I really tried man. I played this game 20 hours. It had some charm for sure, and I tried to stick with it, but the combat was bland, the story was dry, and the music was so repetitive it was actually annoying to hear songs. Yeah, sorry I know people love this game and I wish I did butttt yeah 😭

Literally my favorite video game of all time.