A fun, silly and short little platformer about a red blob who makes some friends he helps to overthrow their local captain of industry. Aside from the platforming there are also some fun small minigames playable in the different areas. The soundtrack is great and perfectly complements the tone.

A decently fun game with a lot of potential and an apparently solid technical foundation who's creators sold out to Earth 2, a crypto scam and abandoned the game. What a total waste.

I was not expecting the ending to hit that hard, you only really realise how much you've learned about the player character at the end. Also the sound and visual design is great, although some props can be a bit hard to identify and require a quick google.

I understand people who got annoyed at the growing scale of the game but it honestly never felt too big or the rules too restrictive, although that might just be the designer having the same interior decorating instincts as me.

Combat is overall fantastic, the loop of hitting a parry, grabbing a pistol or melee weapon and absolutely unloading never gets old. The only really issue is some of the set-pieces and bosses which seem to forget how the combat flows, forcing you to move even though grapples and finishers (core parts of combat) slow you to a crawl.

I also found myself getting surprisingly invested in the plot and didn't find Droney anywhere near as annoying as some other reviewers. Some of his jokes are unfunny or badly paced but overall he's entertaining and without spoiling anything there's an explanation for why he acts as he does.

I got bored after a few hours since it's not really my type of game but I can definitely see why people would like this.

This review contains spoilers

Firstly: VANESSA BEST GIRL! It's really amazing how well written she is, a rebel who wants to escape your boring life without being annoying about it, intelligent without being stuck up.

Now, if anyone has ignored the spoiler warning and is skimming reviews to decide whether to play this, stop. Just play it, the story and characters are so well written with so many branching choices and endings it's amazing. I got a relatively good ending (4 main characters dead, of which 2 deaths were preventable) and am already planning another playthrough.

I would give it 5 stars except for the inevitable problem of the summarised one-line choices not always being of the tone you expected and one specific death making little sense and being a bit contrived (if Vince is taken hostage in the truck, doesn't escape and is stuck inside during the crash he dies whereas if the same happens for Zoe she doesn't). Still, one of the best story driven games I've ever played.

Great offline sandbox shooter. There's not much base content (although the planned campaign sounds very interesting) but the mod ecosystem is extensive and very fun to mess around with. It can be used to create almost an scenario imaginable, with some mods even having lore or improvements to core mechanics.

The great sniping and stealth mechanics from IV carry over, along with new weapon customization and a new Invasion Mode where a player invades another's game as a German marksman.

The very large levels are fun to traverse and if you get addicted to Invasion Mode like I did it's important to have good map knowledge to track down your opponent while staying concealed.

I really thought I'd like this but after a while I realised I was just forcing myself to play it. The sci-fi on offer here is very spiritually based as opposed to having actual scientific explanations, there's lots of talk about The Void, Rites, The Prophet etc. It's just not very interesting.

Voice acting is also quite poor, even for the main character Nara. You also never actually meet any characters, all interactions with them are over the radio which gives them very little weight.

The control scheme for your ship is also very unusual, with no independent control over roll which feels strange. The ship moves towards your cursor and you can drift, but without more control it often feels like you're fighting the game itself.

Unique gameplay which is let down by questionable level design and a truly unbearable story which is too present for it's own good.


Very beautiful game but very short and has no gameplay to speak of.

Another overhated COD. The campaign feels very grounded (aside from the main villain) and the missions are very varied and interesting. Multiplayer is an incremental evolution of BO3's movement with a fairer supply drop system.

Great campaign with loads of variety. Multiplayer is extremely fast and kinetic, it's a shame how EA basically guaranteed it's failure with the release date. If you want to play the multiplayer on PC today use the Northstar Client, it adds player run servers, a server browser and custom assets/modes.

One of the best stealth games ever made. The combined trilogy has a massive amount of content for the price, now is the best time there's ever been to immerse yourself in the World of Assassination.

Beautiful art and music, a touching story and very well tuned platforming mechanics. Would have been GOTY 2018 if not for RDR2.