Genesis said “is this a loveless reference?” 500 times and then the credits rolled

I’d have preferred if this was more like no sun to worship with its much more interesting level design but I appreciate that the developer is experimenting with new ideas.

They did it. After beating this game I looked up and the sky and smiled.

Game of the life

This game is cool but I do feel like the stories are pretty weak and it makes it a lot less interesting for me.
There were no cool side characters or villains that I really wanted to see again or anything similar that typically keeps me engaged in a JRPG long term. There were some mysteries but they didn’t do much for me personally.
Gameplay is really good but you’re still doing easy random encounters most of the time so it doesn’t always reach the heights it could with its combat.

I wish they let Mario punch that kid

Halfway through it gets really obnoxious. Gym fights are fun but the team aqua/magma gauntlets are very boring. Especially when they’re so difficult that you basically have to go back and heal after every fight