A heavily influential game that doesn't age very well at all. The combat is frustrating and you have to look up most of the secrets that give you cool items. The sense of exploration and the foundation for the magic of Zelda games to come is there from the beginning. I'm still glad I played it, though, even though I wouldn't recommend it to most people!

I stopped about halfway through (I think). I was surprised by the actually good voice acting and story that kept me going for a good 40 hours. The music and environments are beautiful and captivating. The lore is really rich and I absolutely love the world, culture, and characters. The environment, unfortunately, felt empty to me playing it in 2021. Many of the side quests are fetch quests for little glowing orbs and "kill this many monsters" missions, which wasn't my jam. I hope to finish it one day, but I definitely need a break from it.

This is a competent star wars game with fun combat. Would recommend playing if you're a star wars fan. I didn't think it was amazing, but it was fun enough that I found all of the collectibles because I wanted my droid and my lightsaber to look pretty!