how come Little Baby didn't become a Mario-like figure

im gonna use this to review SaltyBet

SaltyBet is supremely flawed and not all that great and the creator monetized it in a lame way and tied his completely garbage bullet hell and third person shooter to it, but man it's fun and it feels great when you bet underdog and win big. community is full of some of the biggest weirdos in existence

im just gonna rate this 5 stars cuz there's gotta be some shit on here that's good. like a trillion different homebrew things. i only played psychon and it was ok

i played this game when i was way too young to play it but my vehicle kept flipping over and exploding in the tutorial and id keep failing and it made me so upset that i turned it off

call my gay grandpa jelly boy 2 with how he never came out

love when games feel like fucking assignments in college

i can't even make a lame dismissive little joke about this, this is just cool. it actually uses the medium to increase the terror. the nudity and sex is all bizarre and uncanny, the violence is terrible, the story is real nasty. good shit

in the gaiden series this comes directly after ninja gaiden sigma 2 but just before barkley shut up and jam gaiden

when i was like 15 i played this game with some of the worst people ive ever known on God's green earth. a formative experience for me

this game genuinely taught me how to bake delicious cakes for loved ones

marvin be damned by martian can strike back

this game is so funny. the first time a killer gets on you they can remove you from the match. or if you're unlucky as killer and the entire enemy team is on discord with each other, they can escape in like 30 seconds. and there's gamebreaking bugs allowed to persist because ??? but it's fun cuz it's a TCM-themed DBD clone

mains: sadako, knight, ghost face (i like the m1 killers)

this game is very good and most of the reason people hate it is because of the absolutely caustic, treacherous, evil community. i get it. playing this game is the true way to run into the most lowly, meanspirited bandits. instead of your wallet they steal your time and joy. that being said, there is no better asymmetrical multiplayer game and I doubt there ever will be. Dead By Daylight is terrific in so many ways. its community is just not one of them

kicking this while it's down. the servers are gone and I am glad that this is the case. goodbye "Video Horror Society"

well it is dog shit. one positive thing I can say about it, though, is that it is able to be turned off