Everyone in the Telling Lies universe sleeps with the lights on.

I was enjoying this enough until the game decided to introduce like 12 new gameplay mechanics in the last 30 minutes.

Might have been more enjoyable on a different system but it is poorly designed for PSVR. As limited as the gameplay and systems present were though, I doubt it.


A really cool mashup of Dark Souls and something more meditative like Journey. I do wish more focus had been put on what Ashen does differently than the Souls games, particularly in the last few hours of the game.

None of the content is particularly different than what you will get from the base game. It essentially amounts to a new dungeon with a few new types of enemies including a boss, but it's more Ashen if you're up for it.

The odd Game Boy Color game that would have definitely just been a free app today.

The first video game I ever bought.

I wanted it because I thought it was funny that you could kinda see Tarzan's butt when he hung upside down.

The co-op mode had us bickering more than laughing.

It's called Super Mario Bros. 35 because that's how many minutes the rounds take.

The level design is claustrophobic to the point that it made roaming the halls of Hogwarts a chore that I was eager to bypass as quickly as possible, a problem since the game asks you to march across the school grounds between every mission.

The spells do add an additional layer of complexity to the gameplay, but swapping between and casting them is extremely clunky.

Like most Lego games, it was never really a challenge to the point that these issues became very frustrating, but this feels like a poor effort all the same.

The first half seems to be building to something interesting, but that something is just trudging through poorly lit and rendered hallways devoid of any danger, with a loading screen every two minutes.

Mostly just uses Until Dawn's imagery to provide color rather than anything meaningful, but it's still a pretty good and spooky time.

Wow, this is a huge improvement over Man of Medan in just about every way. Very excited to see what comes next.

It's a fun arcade racer, but not having an online multiplayer mode is a huge letdown.