At least it came with a Wii remote?


This was a nice way to spend 20 minutes on a flight.

Not great by any means, but a decent enough excuse to jump back into the world of Twilight Princess one more time.

Mechanics and minutiae as a playground.

An excellent showcase of the potential of VR to elevate already established genres.


This is such a nothing game. The story centers around the titular Erica, but she only brings to the table whatever the player can desperately wring out of her limited and often one-sided interactions with other characters. Everything hinges on Erica's potential madness or lack thereof, but the story really has nothing to say about that other than using it as a tool to raise stakes that rarely feel clear or meaningful. I found myself mostly making choices throughout that I thought would lead to something (anything!) interesting, only to be met with more disappointment.

At times decent, and at times extremely frustrating due to the poor layout of the levels or obtuse puzzle direction. Owlchemy Labs' weakest VR title.

My two favorite parts in this game were when I fell through the level walking on the main path and when I fell through the level every time I tried to enter a room I needed to enter to solve a puzzle.

Genuinely one of the worst things I have ever played.


Doesn't do anything particularly groundbreaking gameplay, design, or story wise, but the art design and the way GRIS uses its color palette is breathtaking enough to make it worth your short time with it.


Good when the focus was on puzzle solving, less so when it came time for combat.

This game is at its best when it's given you all of the clues, and then leaves it up to you to put it all together. Thankfully most cases end up like that rather than ramrodding you to one conclusion.

It feels a little dated at times, but not in a way that adversely affects the gameplay. All in all, if you want a good few mysteries to solve this is very much worth your time.

The co-op mode had us bickering more than laughing.