Very good game, especially in 2023. Although there are still bugs and things that were promised, the game is very enjoyable

Finished the main game and first expansion with almost 100% as well as some parts of the second expansion.
Very grindy, but I enjoyed it still
Origins is better than this one

Heavily modded save so I'm well into the 60 hours and far from finished.

Wouldn't touch this game with a 10-foot pole vanilla, but one of the best experiences with mods

Excellent sound design, enjoyable gameplay, decent story, awesome characters. This game is one of the best to come out in the last couple of years.

The best modern ARPG for me. A ton of content, lots of different builds to try, lots of hidden endgame stuff.

The rifts are fun, the story and locations are alright

Solid RPG, best open-world out there. The world is vibrant and feels alive. Secondary quests are solid. Combat is alright.

85 hours in, still a good chunk of the Blood and Wine DLC

Extremely short, but is the best story part of The Witcher 3 saga

This is the gold standard of TRPGs. YOu can pretty much do anything and get away with it. So much reaply value

Too short, but is a better version of Marvel's Spider-Man.

Very enjoyable, lots of side stuff to do, that isn,t too hard or long to do

This game has interesting parts but boring parts. It is very long. The kingdom management sim is meh.

Character customization is crazy and you really gotta think before just blindly leveling stuff. Late game becomes really hard at higher difficulties.

Will definietely pick back up later