The perfect purple people experience

It's fine but a little too lol xd random for my taste

If I could use one word to describe this it would be gobbledygook

It has a cool musical number. It's a short game. Not much else I feel I can say

The noise he makes when hitting a wall is my sleep therapy


Perfect vampire game for a fun filled, family halloween.

If you want to play as a kangaroo I can't think of any other game that lets you do so that's as good as this.

I don't think this guy ever blinks. I don't like that.

This truly was a revival of the dark variety. Hated the little jumpscare gremlin that followed you through most of the game.

It's Indiana Jones but Lego, so yes, it's good!

This game really made me feel like Lego

You'd think at some point the demons would just be like "Fuck this! Keep your shit planet. Not worth all this mess"

I have not a clue as to how this got a franchise. Half a star for the neighbour looking like Stephen Fry.