I'm not a big turn based tactical type game fan BUT you get to be besties and shoot the shit with Marvel's finest. Highly recommend

Like a slightly more unhinged Max Payne. Big love

I'm willing to admit that the game is a bit meh and often tries too hard to be funny but there is some GOLD here

This game made me realise that AAA sequels have great gameplay improvements but lack heavily when it comes to the story. Not that it's bad, just really all over the place

Not a big star wars guy but did quite enjoy this

Like watching someone go from a drunken wreck (RE6) to a pillar of the community

Simple gameplay. Beautifully disturbed art style. Haunting soundtrack and, above all else, creepy little guys. Perfect game

If the first game is perfect then this is perfect plus one!

I don't get it? Is it the big empty maps or the melodramatic story? Maybe the call backs to Sonic history? Why is this game liked so much??

Is it unfair to call out this game for borrowing heavily from Uncharted, who also borrowed from Tomb Raider? Yes. Still going to though

It's flawed and not perfect but I love it and will die on this hill

I can feel how rushed this game was