One of Rare's more forgotten titles, and also one of their more unforgiving ones. It's a pretty unique title, not just among all the Xbox games, but in general. The execution wasn't perfect, but overall I think it's pretty solid.
(Just whatever you do, do NOT play this game on Xbox 360! The save files usually get corrupted on there.)

More ambitious, less choppy, and more fun than the original Star Fox.
I was initially worried about being on a time limit going in, but playing it I found it to be fairly reasonable.
I might even play some more runs of the game in the future.

Foggy childhood memories did a really good masking how lousy this game is.

Certainly impressive for its time, but man does it chug.

Short, sweet, and to the point.
It's certainly quite nice to look at still, even all these years later.

Imagine just trying to go about your day when Frankenstein's Monster just waltz up to you to repeatedly pimp slap you.

A young Shigeru Miyamoto boldly dares to ask: "what if Pac-Man was Catholic?"

I don't know what they did, but there's something about the gameplay that makes you want to get in the perfect run (or something close enough to it, anyway).

It's an okay mini-game compilation that's really carried by the unique rock-paper-scissors card game. The format of it allows for some pretty strategic plays. The mini-games themselves, however, are largely forgettable.

Kinda sad how this game got ported to modern consoles before Ape Escape 3 did, and because it initially didn't come out in America, this is technically the newest entry to the series (so long as you're American, anyway).

Playing this game was a constant flip-flop between "oh wow, this game's pretty good, I can see where all the praise comes from" and "Jesus Christ, this is some of the most annoying shit ever."
I certainly respect it from a historical standpoint, though.

This would be a five star rating if the game had a better means of aiming than a stylus, because I loved just about everything else about the game.

A charming set of short, but really solid DOS platformers. I'd say my personal ranking is 1=3<2<4<5. Dunno why Commander Keen 6 isn't here, but I suppose I'll have to get to that one some other day through other means.

Cammy be like "Your missing teeth will remind you of my victory!" to people who still have all 28-32 of their teeth.

A charming little game with a charming cast and a gravity mechanic that's really fun to mess around with, but I feel the combat wasn't that good and the game focused a little too much on it.