demo was great really enjoyed the art and nameless child who i hope to see more of in the final release


fun and awesome i love juggling and i love the pink knight

liking my experience so far frustrating and fun :)

i was so scared to disappoint her i think it gave me a complex

this came out in 2006 and people are still mentioning this specific game in comparison to other modern day sonic games to put it in perspective i just turned 3 when this came out because it was released a day after my birthday and i am now 19 years old reviewers please get an actual hobby and learn how to critique properly

ever wanted to play secret hitler with your friends and spawn in a jerma model on the side along with a bunch of animated pokemon models ??? you should

i hate capitalism and i love kissing men

i dunno if this is an unpopular opinion or not but this game was fucking awesome and i still play it sometimes just for fun awesome fucking game

enjoyable but wasnt really feeling it

fun but im really really bad at the game LOL i'll get back to playing at some point