A fucking insane game that tickles my brain in a way nothing else does

does anyone know when this is coming to xbox

I honestly don’t know what I’m supposed to feel playing this game.
Deltatraveller advertises itself as a silly fangame centered around “What if Kris and Susie suddenly appeared in undertale?!” And, thinking that was a fun premise, I tried the game out. At some point through it, however, I began questioning what this game is trying to actually be.
Deltatraveller keeps attempting serious and honest story beats and character moments, and it REALLY clashes with the comedy aspect. It’s difficult to take the story seriously, and it’s difficult to just let yourself revel in the absurdity of the bits.

Fucking sucks giving this 2 stars. There’s obviously a lot of love that’s gone into this free fangame, but I just don’t really have that much fun with it.

I hope you know I am being dead-serious when I say this is one of the most beautiful video games ever made.

You have not truly lived until you’ve been down to your last pokemon against Leon, seeing him gigantamax, with you following right after, having the (unfathomably good) music on full volume, and just BARELY coming out on top with but a few hp to spare.

I am not exaggerating when I say I felt more emotion during this final boss than I have experiencing nearly all the art I’ve ever encountered in my entire life.

This game is one I started all the way back in 2019, when it first released. I played for a couple hours, but things got in the way, so I sorta just stopped playing. I then completely forgot about it.
A shitload of things have happened in my life these past 4 years, continuing this save file has left me feeling a lot of different emotions.
And finishing it left me nearly crying.

I'm not even fucking joking anymore, this series gives me more joy and fulfillment than most other games I've played this entire year, and I honestly do not care about the implications of that whatsofuckingever.

The gap between this and the previous game was something I actually noticed, and, for the lack of better terminology, was somewhat saddened by. Why, of all things, it was Garten of fucking Banban that left such an impression on me is completely beyond me. What, in January, started out as a mildly entertaining 20 minute slop-game, has turned into something I LEGITIMATELY look forward to.

Thank you, Euphoric Brothers, I'm sure this isn't the kind of thing you expect to see someone writing about the game you're probably working sincerely on, but know that when I say these games suck, I mean it in the most loving way I possibly can. The sheer absurdity of these games is incredible, I cannot wait for the next one.

Undertale is without a shadow of a doubt the single most important video game of all time for me, if not one of the single most important things in life for me. I was 10 years old when the game released, and was immediately hooked, and throughout these past 8 years, Undertale has slowly but surely become an absolutely massive part of me, it's one of the reasons I am who I am, and one of the reasons I'm still here.
This is also one of the reasons I'm very picky when it comes to fan-content.

So I hope you understand that when I say the final boss of this fangame inspires within me the selfsame feelings that Undertale's does, I mean that this is unambiguously the absolute pinnacle of Undertale fan-content.
More than anything else I've ever played/listened to/watched, Undertale Yellow really gets what makes the original so special in a way nothing else really does, and I'm gonna be honest, it still doesn't feel real. I finished the game just a couple days ago, and I still catch myself thinking stuff like "There's just no way Undertale Yellow actually happened, right? Like there is absolutely no way I actually just played Undertale Yellow, and that it was that good."

This game was in development for over 7 years, 7 entire years. I was 11 years old when the demo came out. It's such a surreal experience. How this game exists is beyond me, it's damn near a miracle, and I couldn't be happier.
Safe to say, I will be thinking about this game for a long, long, long time.

My only real criticism is... the entire no mercy route. I find it a bit odd that it not only exists, but is this extensive.

Really sucks dropping but I just cannot find any enjoyment in this game. Controls are janky, gameplay isn't all that exciting, and while the artstyle isn't bad bad, all the cards and attacks and ui and everything looks so dull and boring.

I began my playthrough of Final Fantasy VII a while ago. For the longest time, I just could not get into the gameplay loop. The random encounters frustrated me to no end, there were many moments in which I very nearly dropped the entire playthrough.

Mind you, I really wanted to get through the game. Having played the remake beforehand, (which turned out to become one of my genuine favorite games of all time) I already had a ton of investment in the original.

Weeks became months, months became years, struggling to get myself to even attempt to boot the game up, I gave myself one last shot.

And lo and behold, for whatever reason, it just… clicked. Somehow, out of goddamn nowhere, I got the appeal of this gameplay loop. Somehow, I was… genuinely, for the first time, having fun playing.

And so, I started my actual playthrough.

…Contrary to what my log says, I did not actually complete Final Fantasy VII.

Don’t get me wrong, I got through basically the entire game. All 3 discs (physical, yea I played this on an actual ps1 (don’t know if I would personally recommend it, but I had a good time regardless)) had been used.

I got to THE battle, and it’s just… un-fucking-believable. Genuinely, the final boss of Final Fantasy VII is, to this day, UNDOUBTEDLY one of, if not the single greatest of all time, for countless reasons.

And then I lost.

I so, so, SO badly want to truly finish this game, but the fact that you basically only have one chance to save in the entire last part of the game is just fucking ridiculous. I understand this is an old game with old ways of saving, but for heaven's sake, what the actual FUCK were they thinking. Pardon my language, but understand it comes from a place of love. I want to go back and finish the game, however, I REALLY want to avoid redoing the entire last half of disc 3.

I write all this, mostly to simply vent my frustrations with this absolute treasure of a work of art. My save file will most likely remain unfinished, and if I’m gonna be honest, I’m probably fine with that. In the moment, however, I am quite sad at the prospect of never having truly completed it. I hope that feeling will fade with time.



I'm not exactly sure it's possible to really express my love for this game. So, so many playthroughs, and yet Stardew Valley remains my absolute favorite game to return to over and over again.

In 3 days, it will have been 5 years since I booted this game up for the very first time, and throughout those 5 long years, I have made countless precious memories. Whether it be staying up until 4 am, discovering something new, or simply just enamored by how lovable everything in this game is.

Thank you, ConcernedApe. I am so so so excited for Haunted Chocolatier.

My mental state is at an all-time low

Probably the closest there is to a perfect video game

I really goddamn hate rating this as I am. Perhaps it's my own fault I didn't enjoy my time with this game. From what I'd seen, I expected something relaxing, but I was greeted with a convoluted, over-indulgent, and bloated management game.

Why are there such heavy punishments for getting an order wrong? Why can you only choose a few recipes per day? Why must I carefully figure out which recipes to take with me, or else it be impossible to give every guest the order they want? Why is the UI such a mess? Why is everything paced so weirdly? I really tried to play through the game, but I just kept running into more problems.

This game looks incredibly cozy and fun, but the gameplay is naught but. Maybe I'll give it another go some time, perhaps I'll see something in it I don't see right now.