Really disappointed with this sequel. As a Big Daddy you're weak as shit. Not really memorable overall.

This game really helped me with history back in the days and I love how much strategy there is involved. Sadly no trophies but the endless possibilities with this game more than makes up for that.

Great story, characters, gameplay, tone. I would give this a perfect score but the pacing issues hold it back. The first few chapters are long but the last few are rather short. That didn't sit well for me to be honest.

Hot take but I like the sequel more than the first one. Really thematic story, great gameplay, graphics and characters. This game is realer than real life. -1 for the rushed ending and characters mysteriously teleporting around the country.

Updated review: November 11th, 2023.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is the game I have the most hours played. I started on Operation Blood Orchid, almost two years after the game's initial release. The reason I've been going back to this game is because there's nothing else like it. There's a lot of sandbox elements with the destruction, reinforcing, maps and especially the operators. It's all so unique that no two rounds never play the same. I love trying out different ops, learning new maps and using that knowledge to create a legitimate strategy that'll win my team the round.

However, glorious moments like those are rare in 2023 and that's because of the TDM meta. All people do is pick an op with a "good" gun and a 1.5x scope. No gadget play, no team coordination and no fun. I shit you not, I went on a 17 game win streak that got me to champ, the highest rank because some Iana-Warden main would play aggressive and go for kills, which he would get at least 10 every game. Sure, winning is nice and so is hitting champ, but it's not rewarding because I didn't earn it. I just sat back and let him to all the work. How's that fun? It sucks how frequently this happens now and I believe there are many external factors as to why. What I mean by external factors is that it's not Ubisoft's fault (for once). No, I fully blame the Siege community!

Ego. "I got a high kd, I got the most kills, that means I got the biggest dick and pull all the bitches". It's so stupid how many people care about this when the game at its core is a chess-like strategy game. But what's the advantage of using your brain when you can just effortless kill everyone, still win and brag because you're somehow better? There is none and that's the problem. If I want to win, I have to play this game like a COD TDM match. If I wanted to play COD, I would. I want to play Siege and the way it's meant to be played!

Lack of competition. On the console side, there's no real first person shooter games competing with Siege. COD is just shit (wait for my review on MWIII, it's a rollercoaster that one) & Overwatch 2 doesn't fair much better. The half decent ones with more players like CSGO 2 or Valorant are PC exclusives. Not everyone wants to play PC or can afford a PC. Siege is 8 years old that constantly goes on sale for relatively cheap and PlayStations and Xboxes are cheaper and don't require you to play geek squad with all the parts to maximize frames per second and resolution and all that. The other fps games that people used to play didn't require much forward thinking. They were pretty casual. However, since they've all gone to shit, people want to play another fps game. So, they hop on siege and play with that "don't give a fuck, kill everyone" mentality to every game. It's repetitive and boring and sadly there's nothing I can do to change that.

Jynxzi. The most subbed twitch streamer as of 2023 is Jynxzi with over 100000 subs. The guy mostly plays Siege. So, naturally his viewers will buy the game their favorite streamer is playing. While I do admit Jynxzi is entertaining to watch, he is not someone you should use as a reference to learn the game more and play better. However, since a lot of people are sheep and like to fit in a crowd instead of being their own person, they copy him. Copy the way he plays, but more annoyingly, the way he talks. It blows my mind how many people suck his dick so much that they end up talking like the guy. This year, Siege has seen a resurgence in player count and it's all thanks to Jynxzi. It's nice to see the game grow and have more people playing it, but all these new players are linked to the Jynxzi hive mind and it's poisoning the game. It's the reason why the game feels so braindead now.

Rainbow Six Siege back in the day used to be the guy in the Chad memes. Now, Siege is the shit that Chad took. It's depressing to see how one of my favorite games fell off so far from greatness. The reason why I'm not giving it a lower score are those few matches where strategy, tactics and teamwork are at the full front and not bettering your kd ratio. Those matches are so much fun, even if I lose, and it's why I keep coming back. For better or worse depends on the day.

I was so hyped for this game. I got my hands on it and it totally sucks. So many unnecessary changes, lack of content and as well as a bunch of bugs and glitches. One of the worst games I have ever played.

Edit: As of playing this game more during January 2023, my opinion of this game has changed. It's not bad anymore but it's still not enough considering previous title. No longer the worst in the series. That belongs to the overpriced Battlefield 1 DLC that is Battlefield V.

A bold move for EA and it pays off with this awesome game. -1 for the post launch content. Took too long for the first two DLCs to come out and the last 2 were rushed and butt cheeks.

Why would I ever play this when Battlefield 1 is right there. Also the tone for this game doesn't make sense. Is it a realistic, gritty World War 2 FPS or a comical, cyberpunk take like Wolfenstein? No clear vision = no good.

People hate on this game too much, it was fun. Not perfect, not as good as older Battlefield but still enjoyable.

Zombies carry. Multiplayer is fun with friends. Campaign is awful. Nobody remembers Nightmares. Dead Ops Arcade 2 and Free Run are something you play twice and never again. If I didn't love Zombies so much I would give this an appropriate score of 3/10.

Zombies carries once more but it's not as good as BO3. Multiplayer sucks. Blackout's alright but the character challenges are aids. This game had so much potential but Activision had Treyarch rush a Fortnite wannabe and it shows because this is arguably the worst COD. Not my least favorite though.

Great campaign but the multiplayer is lame. It's just M16s.

Zombies in Spaceland is cool but the easter egg is too hard. Multiplayer and campaign are awful. Worst than BO3 in every way.

Campaign is awesome, zombies is fun occasionally and multiplayer sucks once more. Really average game in the FPS and COD line-up.