Ace & Melusi were really OP at launch which is both good and bad. House rework was unnecessary.

Love the Kanal rework, good balancing changes with the deployable shield, Goyo was fun and the addition of Unranked changed how I played the game entirely. Amaru sucked at launch so -1.

Wasn't around for this season but some good memes came out of it so full marks.

Clash sucks, Hereford base rework sucks. Maverick was cool with how quick his torch is. Got a lot of surprise kills with him.

This was a great season to play when the lockdown started.

Peak Fiction. Cannot get more epic and cinematic than this. Debating if this is my new favorite game of all time.

I like the backstreet boys, music and the exploration aspect but the story... Truly one of if not the absolute worst, incompetently put together pieces of narrative I have ever experienced. Had no idea what was happening after the first hour.

Edit: After trying to get the platinum, this game leaves an even sourer taste in my mouth.

Star Wars ain't got shit on this.

Rating is an average of the 3 games.

ME1 = 8/10
ME2 = 9/10
ME3 = 9/10

Average = 26/3 which rounds up to 9/10.

The beginning portion of the game as well as the Omega and Levithan DLCs were lame. Things really started to pick up at Tuchanka. Then, the game got good when Tali showed up (she's my favorite). After that, the game went from good to great with the Citadel DLC. Loved the party. Still liked the second game more. It was more consistent.

Improves upon the original in every way except for two things. The sprinting and the dialogue. There is so much talking. If it's not story or important character related, I skip that shii.

Like the gameplay as well as the planet traversal. Love the telltale aspect of the game where your choice actually matter and influence relationships with certain characters. Dialog's bland and generic. So is the story.

Game's not as bad as I thought. Grind-y as shit, but not bad.