I played it on PC when I was like 7-8. I don't see any PC version. Dad. Wtf.

My most played rogue like. Could only beat it 4 times on normal. Hard is a no no . Not much variety between runs. Characters are different and they have different play style but I still ended up chasing the same gear each run.

Haven't played it myself. I watched it on Joseph Anderson's stream. I thought playing it myself after that wouldn't change anything. Great shit.

Played it along with my brother some years ago. Was alright. I don't care for tale tales anymore. Cool story considering it's Borderlands.

I got very salty cuz I was bad.

Racing game of my childhood.
Brother played it again some months ago and it still felt great.
Many cars, all are pretty distinct from one another and some are VERY distinct making some very good and some pointless or just comic relief.
Cool tracks, not too many.
Power ups, not very BS. I could say there are some that have no counter play, but just drive fast and you should be good.
Real cute.
Play it if you can. If not, piracy is always an option, that is if your conscience can resist the sense of guilt. My brother did, so it should be fine.

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Finished it on the hardest difficulty.
Was hard here and there but sometimes it was BS. Got frustrated but eventually moved on.
Once I went around a corner and a hit scan sniper would just 2 shot me. After many fails I just walked on some other path. Never saw him again.
Sometimes I got lost. After looked trough the whole map 5 times I finally found the exit.
Liked the final boss for not being a hit scan like some other bosses and mini bosses. More of a bullet sponge. Just get in his face and unload the nazi minium. He won't like it.
Good game.
I recommend it.

Very simple and easy I think since I could finish it on the hardest difficulty. So can you. I very much believe.
Good one.

Short, simple, good.
Epilepsy warning.

fuck me in the ass, Snake!

Heard people shitting on this gold mine

So... Leon shoots Ashley's father (Mr. President)? Pls Capcom, Ashley villain next game mbe? (The guy's mandate can't be 20 years old but let's say Resident Evil's America has a sovietic like regime.)
At the end she will know what happened in 6 and then some guys will try to kidnap her, carrying her on their backs and Leon has to shoot them, all the while Ashley screams 'LEON!!' . And then they jump on a sky jet and escape and Leon says he is keeping it for the girl he loves.