Rockstar BTFO

Ubisoft BTFO (even though Watch Dogs didn't come out until 2 years later but still counts)

Me being BTFO by the fact that United Front Games are dead. F*** OFF SQUARE

I prefer this over GX because I played X more as a kid and X has a better soundtrack.

Like WAYYYYYYYY better soundtrack

Not a bad game.

That said you will be bored with it after you 100% because its very easy to do so

This is at the point where people should have realized that Rare can't make 3D Platformers without bloat.

The only game on Mario 64's level not named Spyro

Y'all be exaggerating on how bad this game is and nobody tells me why.

So until then it's good

Mario 64, you have a worthy opponent.

Meet Tom Kenny

Sonic Team peaked.

The Dreamcast's Swan Song.

Open Your Heart > Live & Learn

The day this and it's sequel gets ported to Switch is the day Smash Bros Ultimate is considered outdated and flawed

Ruby Heart and Amigo are MvC exclusive OCs as far as I care

Update: I have theory that those characters and Sonson were scrapped Darkstalkers 4 characters.

Especially considering Sonson was the granddaughter of the OG Sonson from the arcade game



This game is better than most modern fighters out there and I'm dead serious.
