Honestly difficult to enjoy this game when
A. I don't know shit about Granblue
B. A huge chunk of the roaster is DLC

But it was on sale for $3 so... Maybe next time.

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Really good, especially the plot twists at the end. Would've been near perfect if the game didn't have freaking romance routes. I don't hate visual novels with multiple routes (love them actually), but hot damn they all end up useless when you discover they're only one canon romance...AND IT'S ONLY UNLOCK BY DOING THE OTHER ONES!

Heh. If Yakuza 0 was so good, how come they didn't make Yakuza 0 2--

The moment man remade Persona 3, his fate was sealed. Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.

Yet the arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Beyond the $70 price tag, lies a familiar yet fresh experience.

It matters not who you are, you will enjoy Persona 3 Reload

Played this on a PSP emulator and thought it was lame. Felt more like a fan game than an official one. Maybe I'll get back to it some day, but right now it's just...so lame.

Pop, lock, and drop it to hood classics such as Cirno's Perfect Math Class.

The amazing presentation, music, and voice acting makes you forget that the story and gameplay is meh.

Man... These games have fantastic stories and characters, and while the gameplay is nothing special, both Mafia: Definitive Edition and Mafia 2 are really fun to play.

...Then you get to Mafia 3.

Playing as the female protagonist is great. I mean check out that slim, sexy--I MEAN she's really cute :)