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>Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
>This family isn't your real family
Then what was the freaking point?

While I somewhat prefer that battle system of Stick of Truth, Fractured Butthole is still a damn good game and an improvement over its predecessor. It's crazy that a franchise like South Park can spawn such a high quality experience.

A great collection that includes all of Sonic's iconic Sega Genesis titles. Sonic Spinball is there too I guess.

>Oops no more buffs. Gotta do that shit all over again just to have a fucking fighting chance

Raidou and Dante was cool though...

I'm conflicted. This game has charm, decent gameplay, and the shift to 3D is admirable. But good's so clearly rushed it hurts. Technical issues, bad framerate, lack of contenr compared to previous games, tacked on and broken bisexual marriage, I can go on.

It's a shame because this could've been another hit. Oh well. Hopefully Rune Factory 6 improves upon this.

It's super short, super easy, super simplistic, but damn it it's also super fun.

Only thing memorable to come from this game is Race to Win, and even then it gets overshadowed by better Sonic themes.

Accurate depiction of a loving lesbian relationship.

Wow! This gameplay is amazing! If only the story, characters, and localization didn't make me want to kill myself 😃

The only enjoyment I got out of this game is having the girl borderline masturbate with her messager. Everything else is a bore...

The story is so good until you realize how overrated it is. Still enjoyable :)

I ain't even gonna joke with y'all. I was genuinely having a fantastic time with this game until the experience got ruined by the constant pauses in gameplay. I don't know if this issue is exclusive to the switch version, but if it is, stay away from it. Stick to the Xbox version.

The "legacy" in this collection is experiencing the depressing quality drop in this series.

What if...
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil...