Stepsister route: Peak character, meh route
Sister route: Good character, bad route. Got so cringe that I skipped everything.
Redhead route: Short, but pretty decent.
Pervy girl route: Best route in the game. Strangely wholesome too wtf?
Side character routes: there's two of them and they're literally the same. Not even joking.

Overall? Maan this VN has some damn good characters and some damn good funny moments, but the actual romance is ass and even the H-scenes are bad because the writers don't know when to shut the hell up and take things seriously for once. My advice? Just play the common route and delete it afterwards. It's all downhill from there.

This game would've been an easy 9/10 if someone didn't fart in one of the devs' cereal that morning. No seriously who was the douchebag that designed the last two final bosses?!

Welcome to Rune Factory 3! We have racism!
3 hours later
We no longer have racism.

A great collection that makes you wonder what's the point of even buying Naruto x Boruto Storm Connection

This version is worth it for the GPS navigation and the modern shooting/driving controls. If you don't care about none of that or you feel you can get through the game without them, stick to the original. Because while the better controls are good, the glitches and graphical downgrade isn't.

Someone at RGG clearly wants to make a Dragon Quest and/or Persona game because that's what this game feels like sometimes. At least the writers remembered they're writing for a Yakuza game. Too bad it's not all that great.

Grown ass men fighting over a back alley and a blind chick + singing karaoke+ doing the thriller with Micheal Jackson + joining a scummy religion + watching softcore porn +...

I don't think I need to say anymore as to why this game is peak fiction.

sighs Just stick with the original. The extra content isn't worth it.

Came for the hot anime ninja ladies
Stayed for the gameplay....and came to the hot anime ninja ladies

Why do I think this game is pretty good? I guess it was the weather.

The year was 2021 and Gal Gun, a fanservice light shooter, put out a better remaster than Grand Theft Auto and Sonic the Hedgehog. Strange world we live in.

So yeah this game is great. Gave me many boners. Play it.

"Muahahaha! I, COVID-19, shall sent my evil dragons to spread my deadly spread upon this planet! No one will stop me!"

"We have an emergency! We must assemble a team of dragon slayers with attitude! Operation VFD GO!!"


It's.... passable. Extremely harmless, but if if this isn't your first visual novel, you'll probably find it boring. Heck, I argue that I don't recommend this as your first visual novel.

Only Shin Megami Tensei can make the freaking tutorial one of the hardest dungeons in a game...
