4 reviews liked by CharPrototypia

Haces una obra maestra y uno de los mejores imsim de la historia, Bethesda decide llamarla Prey porque sí y no hacerle nada de marketing, el juego flopea

Decides sacarle un DLC con la misma premisa e idea que vuestro próximo juego completo para experimentar cómo funcionaría un roguelite imsim y creas otra obra maestra que es mejor que ese siguiente juego

Ninguno vende una puta mierda en su momento y la gente se va de la empresa, este juego nació para morir y ser apreciado por quienes debía unos años después y me da mucha pena

I had to uninstall it so it wouldn’t become A Problem.

A programming puzzle game very obviously inspired by TIS-100. It's less creative in its lore and system design, and mostly easier over-all, but it's still pretty fun if you enjoyed TIS-100.

The most obvious differences from TIS-100 are that the syntax is a bit more verbose and everything is single-threaded. The player is given many more registers over-all, but each one (except for a general use swap register) has a specific, dedicated datatype. There's even one for strings, and you can even get the length of it as a single operation. That's very un-hardware-like, but I guess you could say it's a Pascal-style string in a dont-worry-about-it length buffer.

Thanks to the typed registers, you have to care about and sometimes even use datatype coercion between registers.

So y'know, it's high level-ish. What gives it the assembly feel is mostly just the swap register and the way it breaks if-then statements into a check that sets a boolean register, followed by a conditional jump.