I am not the type to play “difficult” games, but something about Hollow knight just FEELS so interesting. I do get the complaints that the game is a giant maze, but I like it somehow.

After spending 50 Hours in this Game and getting every Achievement, I have to say Dishonored is probably one of my favorite games. I would recommend it to everyone how likes stealth games duh and also to people that never have played stealth games but i wouldn't recommend to 100% this game because the city trials are pain, just pain.

Welp so this game made me cry. I didn't play when it first came out so I didn't play the game with all the bugs, but now I recommend this game (and DLC) to everyone I know. So I can contently say I like this game.

I played Bonelab and Boneworks and I liked both of them, but Bonelab is just too expensive. I liked the idea of a sandbox VR game but after spending 40$ on this game, I found myself wondering what I was supposed to do. After doing the main campaign, there was nothing left to do and it stopped playing. Even after modding, I found this game to be lacking and I expected more.

It's difficult to say why I like this game, I mean I love role based RPGs, but I dislike pixelated games, but something about undertale is unique.

I bought this game for one reason and one reason only. MEMES, THE DNA OF THE SOUL.

It's the most beautiful game I have ever played, the creation of this game is remarkable and I truly hope that everyone is able to appreciate its beauty

Many People say that “Terraria is a clone of Minecraft” and I know most people say that as a joke, but I have found that I enjoyed Terraria a lot more than Minecraft

Boneworks is one of my first VR games I played and i sure as hell remember the horror of those face hugger things as they jump on my head and drinking my fluids

Dead space hold i special place in my Heart as it's the only Horror game I have played multipolar time and enjoyed every time. I was extremely happy to see that it got a remastered and that it didn't disappoint.

I played the Forest. I didn't like the Forest.

HOLY SHIT WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS GAME. Its impossible for me to discribe how much i love this game, the character, the music, the story EVERYTHING single this is perfect in this Game. (except the 3 hour beginning)

I wanted to play Persona 5 because of Super Smash Bros ultimate but after not getting the money for it Royal released, and I played that I haven't finished it, but I still want to but still amazing

My Brother forced me to play this, and I have to say it was fun I enjoyed it but nothing special most of the time I went to the karaoke and sang 24 Cinderella

I'm going to surprise everybody. Minecraft is not fun most of the time, I enjoy building in Creative, but survive is meh. Even with the billions of mods, I didn't like it.