222 Reviews liked by Chipperper



Fantastic little game, cute, great music, fun gameplay, good puzzles, great sound design and world layout, frankly nothing about it was bad. I felt the love, and I almost cried at the end of Basto for basically no reason other than that I felt like people who cared made this game and that I cared about them making it. That feeling of "I want someone, anyone, to experience and enjoy what I made" hit me so hard that I couldn't help tear up. If on the small chance a dev ever reads this review, thank you for making this.

actually good, if you dont think so, go to hell!

I used to be a defender of this game, but finally at age 24, 5 years after the last time i played it, I realize the gameplay sucks. I just really do not think the Focus meter/magic forms/block parrying fits together in this game. You cannot cancel your attack into a block, so parrying sucks to do, plus its just hard to detect enemy attacks. Idk if parrying works in a God of War type game, but only experience is this so. The focus meter gets depleted to 0 once you get hit, which is easy to do cause blocking/parrying sucks, but all the focus meter does is give you magic energy on each hit. That can be good except for some god forsaken reason to collect this energy you need to stand completely still and do a collecting animation mid combat. Why would I want to do that? How does this compliment the action gameplay? You could just make it so you hold a button and you just collect it while playing (OR JUST COLLECT IT AUTOMATICALLY). You can't even go magic form or your focus bar will also drop to 0. I don't really care if it would be overpowered if you could be in magic form while also dropping magic on every hit, cause you have to also somehow not get hit while doing it. All these things could be reshuffled to work together, but they just FUCKING SUCK how they are.

Besides me hating the gameplay now, I do enjoy the world building, and the art direction with it. Very folklore-y. I like the story, and I love Patrick Stewart.

Also, a lot of the UI that pops up feels so much like some cheap ass casual game (Not saying this is a negative, i like it). Like whenever "Puzzle Solved!" pops up, it reminds of a game I have called Faerie Solitaire, shits crazy.

Local gamer gets belligerent when they realize the match 3 game they bought has you play match 3

Quite possibly one of the most beautiful games ever, beaitufl music, wonderful egg. this must be what heaven is.

Local gamer feels refreshed that a Match 3 game didn't evoke any powerful feelings.

Local Gamer totally fucking baffled in its purest form at how bad this Match 3 game runs.

I would simply show unconditional love to the creature under my house to fill his dark heart with light

Bill Murray
and then there's Ernie Hudson
Dan Aykroyd
and Harold Ramis
They were the Ghostbusters
but now they are no longer busting ghooooosts
They are now doing


Bill Murray
he is in the porno
He is screwing the ghost
And sometimes he fucked
It's a movie

Im so fucking smart, I'm glad my brain only knows Video Games

This is a game for idiots and I'm mayor of Dumbasstopia

I REALLY didnt meant to play this again

Don't even fucking dare post a review here until this comes out. I'm only posting to tell you guys to not.