Individual reviews (one star for enjoyable game, half for semi)
You Don't Know Jack: A classic and a very fun game to play by yourself cries
Split the Room: Very interesting concept and subverts the standards for many of the Jackbox games
Zeeple Dome: NO
Mad Verse City: Rapping Robots is very fun...anyone could do it and it still is don't actually need to be funny for it
Patently Stupid: Very fun just to make dumb inventions and try to present them

Individual Reviews (one star for good game, half for semi)

Trivia Murder Party 2: Improves off of what made Trivia Murder Party so great and goes wild with it. Definitely the best game in the pack and one of the best ever!
Joke Boat: The Jokes are stale which is kinda the point, but it doesn't offer that much freedom with your jokes, quiplash is better for your comedic experience
Role Models (half star): Good Icebreaker I guess...
Dictionarium: Honestly a unique idea, can be funny, but you need a group that really knows how to be funny
Push the Button: Just worst among us

Individual reviews

Quiplash 3: Same good old Quiplash, but with a way better third round. Questions still offer endless comedic potential
Devils and the Details: This game is able to balance teamwork with competition so well. It's definitely one of a kind.
Champd Up: A fun drawing game, but doesn't really beat out TKO for the best one though...still offers a lot of creative freedom though
Talking Points: Probably one of the best games in the pack and a top tier title, this game is just funny and manages to make giving a presentation funny
Blather Round: Just nice and relaxing!

Same thing applies, but ewww more reference humor

Fun game...for an hour or so...if you want get it as a gag gift

The best game in the franchise by far. It's, even more, scarier in VR considering the enhanced interaction. Some of the parts a little too easy, but it really doesn't diminish the quality of the game that badly. All of the levels still are tense and scary. I haven't played the DLC, but if it is anything like the main game it's gonna be great. I recommend it, but if you don't like horror that much or you are just barely able to play FNAF without having a panic attack from getting scared by Cartoon Bear, this isn't the game for you...otherwise go pick it up!

This is a good stereotypical hole mobile game. It is nice and short and doesn't over stay it's welcome. All of the levels add something new to the table. It's just really fun!

This game is too fun for its own good. It's honestly a concept I have not seen done before. Take a battle royale and a puzzle game and combine seems stupid, but it actually works very well in Tetris 99. It adds additional strategy to Tetris with the ability to get attacked and to attack others making Tetris (a relaxing game to an extent) a tense game...I give this game one of the highest ratings on the console and I don't feel sorry about either

Honestly really fun (and free if you're on IOS) to take on Pac man. I think it's just fun to hop in for a little bit. Just gets stale very fast.

A very fun take on the franchise. It's fun just to see how far you can last, or just treat it kinda like an actual FNAF title. However, the game kinda seemed rushed, and the jumpscares aren't as fluent as the prior games.

A very unique rhythm game. It uses the VR environment to its advantage. The game play is very fun and satisfying. If you have VR and you don't have this game you're lying...and if you aren't lying then you need to get this game right now!

This is the game that tried to copy off of Arizona Sunshines homework

The perfect airplane game. It's heartwarming and fun. It has purposely difficult controls without it being too hard. I just wish the game was longer! Still need to play bugsnax!

You combine a tycoon game with a horror game and boom, you get probably one of the best games in the franchise!