I have simulated the life of James R Handsome. He committed several crimes against the population and spent life in jail...until he escaped the jail via a minigame. He was on the run for over 7 years taking odd jobs and avoiding his family he had abandoned. He died of natural causes because a guy by the name of Emmet H Thompson turned on him...2.5/5

Honestly really fun, does improve over the first by adding battle mode, is still a very good Maro Kart Game with great stages, great cars...definitely the best of it's kind


You're not going to play this after you get Smash

honk honk...honk honk honk honk honk

I clicked on this game expecting a game, only to find out there is no game...please do not play this game, there is no game

I didn't go full completionist on the game, so I can't really say anything about the b-sides and c-sides...but the fact that they exist in the game says a lot about the amazing amount of content available in the game. The game is hard, but the game does a phenomenal job making sure everyone is able to play, just go into settings if you're having too much trouble. The story of this game is very deep and amazing. I can't spoil too much, but it handled the story it wanted to tell with the subject in mind phenominally. This is probably one of the best platformers I've ever played.

I was not expecting this game to be that good. Hearing the 8/10 reviews kinda had me on the side of “this is going to be a generic hack in slash game”. My god I am so happy that I was wrong. The story in this game is as incredible and as emotional as the original. I won’t discuss story details so you can go in surprised, but I will say that it is Incredible, and not held back by the gameplay. Speaking of the gameplay does offer a challenge. I do find it to be a more Grindy game, but that doesn’t bother me as much since the exp system is good enough to make sure lower level party members don’t slack behind. It’s still hack and slash, but I don’t feel it at all surprisingly. This is mainly due to the weaknesses. You got to still get personas to fight the others weaknesses, and if you don’t have the right personas or party members you are put at a disadvantage. That being said though, if you have the right personas and SP, you can just tear through everything. I was playing on hard (so please don’t kill me if this wasn’t your case), but the bosses were so easy, like baffling easy considering having the party members fit to fight that boss weakness wise. Graphics wise, I played on PS5, and although it took a while for me to get used to, I understand why they are the way they are (so that your system doesn’t go one FPS) so I can’t really complain about that. If you liked Persona 5, let me assure you that despite some flaws the game might have, I’d say this is the perfect one two punch. Playing P5/P5R vanilla ending and this right after really makes this game that much greater and it fits in great as a sequel. Sure some stuff might be missing from P5, but I’m not complaining. If you want more, what are you waiting for. I know this might seem odd of me to say, but as of right now this is one of my favorite games ever...I’m dead serious. Go play it...but not until you play P5, unless you want the game spoiled

Honestly a cool way to show of the Kinect off, not all of the games work, and the second is better in my opinion

The Bowser part is the only "fun" part abou this game...besides that it's bad


I love the part where you press q,w,o, and p

Honestly really fun little game. Both Jason and the campers are fun to play. However, I feel like this game is better with friends. It's fun to pick up once in a while!

What the heck is the combat in this game