Played until I got the true ending, controls were unbearably slippery that I would not recommend this game honestly

Good game! Had to constantly look up guides to figure out where to go but honestly that's just standard Zelda fare lol

Finished everything and got the Hero mode thing unlocked! Game was a slog to get through for most of the time though...I'm sure the HD version is much better

It was alright but Zelda games in general have a big problem with making me lost tbh...

Loved it! I think this has a batter story than Ocarina of Time but maybe that other game will grow more on me upon a revisit :3

Super repetitive but at least it has a good number of different boxers and you can customize your character...other than that, this is easily shovelware

A pretty good Mario & Luigi might be the weakest but it still holds a special place in my heart <3

One of the only mario kart games to have the mission mode!

If it's not Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver, this is probably the game that first got me into pokemon and why I love it so much <3

Probably the only way to enjoy gen 4 pokemon I think

So average it took me years to work up the motivation to finish it 😭😭😭

Pretty fun for what it is! It's also pretty short but that's okay :3

I have a tradition where every now and then I purposefully delete my game just so I can enjoy everything all over again...this time, I kept playing and I have over 100 hours logged on this beautiful childhood memory of a game <3

I swear soulsilver behaves differently than heartgold...regardless, I'll also treasure this game too alongside heartgold <3

Too long, too tedious, and music is too bad for me to justify continuing to play this travesty