These minigames keep you entertained for only a little while but the tanks game is mad fun, Wii Play is best played with other players :)

There's just nothing really substantial here just like Wii Sports, but at least Wii Sports is a good time despite it being a small game

My mom bought this for me alongside the first games I got this for the Wii and after trying to play it recently now understand why I never picked it up as a kid

One of those games that I feel was originally a minigame for something that was then stretched out into its own separate game which is why it feels weird to play this for more than an hour

Cute little pokemon game that unfortunately stopped receiving online features following the culling of nintendo 3ds online...RIP pokemon shuffle 💔

Played for about 20 minutes and the horrible c stick movement told me everything I needed to know about this port and saved myself from what would have been a more agonizing experience

What Link to the Past could have been! Quality of life updates and a use for rupees make this game worth coming back to :)

Would be higher rated if the gameplay wasn't monotonous and repetitive...the rest of the game is locked behind a paywall too which sucks

It was pretty good! Team skull is a very fun villain team and has a banger theme song as well as the gym presentation in this game being unique :)

Literally put me to sleep in the middle of playing...would have a lower score if it wasn't for the heartfelt ending

The most awkward pokemon game for being the first to transition to 3D...much like Oblivion is the most goofy and awkward game in the Elder Scrolls series. It's crazy to think the villain of this pokemon game is a genocidal maniac lol

Really fun game! The battle frontier in the post game was fudged in this just like Pokemon X and Y but the main game is very good and fun, especially the ability to be able to bring pokemon from other gens :)

This game never gets old! I love making characters and bringing them to life in this game I could do for years and years and see what wacky relationships everyone shares <3

Cute little rythym game but doesn't tell you the controls unless you have the manual...the notes are off beat a lot of the time but it's still really fun to sit down and play with a friend :)

If there were better controls (or no motion controls at all) I would rate this three arm got sore after just one game of baseball 😭😭😭