Finished the regular grand prix and even that was hard to commit to because of how boring and long each of the cups are. Somehow tedious and also slow while being fast at the same time...I feel like this games works more as a minigame in other pokemon games than being a full fledged independent title.

There's a hard mode, time attack, special mode, and another mode you unlock after beating the regular grand prix but it's not worth checking out after just the regular prix

One of the best mario party games ever! It's probably the best handheld mario party and it offers so much content for singleplayer AND multiplayer, the only thing that could make it more perfect is if it had online play <3

Would not have bothered to keep playing if it wasn't for online keeping my interest alive...that and my kid mind being blown that I could play as all the koopalings

When my parents first bought me and my siblings the game it came in its own box and had a cool little booklet that was included with it too...being able to make your own levels was an incredible concept and I loved the vent levels and the tall mushroom costumes <3

The multiplayer gets SO addicting I swear...if the story mode was longer or there were more features for multiplayer and such this would be 4.5 stars :)

Another one of those games where I thought I was playing it wrong when I wasn't having fun before realizing years later that I was playing a bad game. Bowser party is very unbalanced and leans in the bowser player's favor (it's fun to play as bowser but still), amiibo party is locked behind a paywall of having bought amiibos in the first place, this is the stupid train era of mario party, and the boards are all linear. I hate that this was my first console mario party experience

Probably the best thing that ever happened to the Wii U. There is so much spirit and wonder that it's no wonder this spawned two sequels trying to recapture its magic.

Could have been a cool concept but it is way too short and repetitive, I think this game would work better as more of a handheld than a console game to be honest

As a kid I never realized why I could never hold my interest in playing this game continuously and I learned afterwards that sometimes we grow up with some pretty bad games and are too naive to realize they're bad and just think there's something wrong with us the player instead

Smash Tour sucks and the existence of Bayonetta means there's no multiplayer scene, so honestly just play the 3ds version instead

The atmosphere and gameplay loop make this game so fun no matter how stressful the time management is! I am so glad this was my first pikmin game because it only makes me want to check out the other games more <3

Has more content but is otherwise a sequel to Wii Party. Fun for an hour and that's kind of it

Probably one of the only Wii U games to utilize the gamepad a lot and all its minigames are really fun! It's so much fun filling up the plaza with stuff and getting more and more medals :)

Probably THE mediocre 3d mario game. Just copies the gimmick of Super Mario 3D Land by being a 3D mario but it doesn't work when it's done twice. Not a bad game but not outstanding either

Replayed this recently and it was pretty fun and cute, matches can feel a bit long when you're olaying the early tournaments but it picks up afterwards! The inclusion of a hard mode and lots of characters make this better and the great music in here too <3

Finished World of Light. There isn't much in terms of single player content outside World of Light in comparison to Super Smash Bros for 3DS which has the surprisingly fun Smash Run as well as Brawl which has Subspace Emissary...if there was more single player stuff this woupd he the definitive smash bros game honestly