Valhalla is the climax of this whole medium not only God of War 🦆

Spider Man 2 isn't even the best game of the day it came out 💀

Growing up is realizing that Odyssey is better than BOTW 🗿

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Dutch does NOT have a plan 🦆
This game is literally for people who still listen to Eminem lol

This game has the most bugs/glitches ever 🦆

Tlou1 crawled so Tlou2 could run

You can tune cars and cause chaos 😃
Thats it 🦆


How did they make the greatest fighting game ever out of THIS 😭

Story is just build up for TLOU2.
The game itself is also worse then 2 in any way 🦆

This game has THE worst online of any game EVER. 80% of the matches are not starting or crash when they start and for the other 20% of the matches my opponents quit cause I'm literally the best player on this entire plant 🦆(And that is a FACT not an opinion or a joke and definitively not an exaggeration). The showcase is also mid and the gameplay feels worse and less smooth then 2k22. The only upgrade is My Rise.

Most underrated game ever maybe?