Gave me 15 hours of playtime before I got bored with the gameplay loop. Very good

Best part of it was the character interactions. Gameplay is awful, use a guide so you can be done with it as soon as possible

Fun but not that fun, gameplay is pretty repetitive and gets old quick. Rance is funny tho

First Metroid game I've played from start to finish, very good

Played up to the end of chapter 7, which is supposed to be the chapter where things really pick up and it goes from good to great, but by the end of it, I realized that I wasn't as invested as I thought I would/should be. I just don't care about the main conflict that much and the only characters I really like are Marimo and Sumika. At some point reading felt more like a chore than anything and I wasn't having fun. I'll pick it back up again someday to see if the latter half is as great as people say it is

Story was nothing special, art is beautiful, gameplay was good