There's no other mario game where there's a ball themed level located in a giant mechanical mario's crotch so this one's a must play

Blatant false advertising. That motherfucker is wearing underwear not pants.

If I ever met Louie in real life, I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from strangling him until he begs.

It's carried by its charm and personality but damn can it be janky. too many times I was sure I was locking onto a target just for it to... not...

Still super happy I played it though, I'd die for Bentley

I mean this with no exaggeration; This is the worst video game I've played in my entire life.

There's just so much to say about this game.

Is it fun? Yes. Is it a breath of fresh air for Pokemon? Absolutely. Does it run like shit? Also yes. It's kind of annoying that this is their second mainline game made for the switch and it's so unoptimized. I'm sorry, but there is literally no excuse for my game to crash for simply walking to an area too fast, especially from the highest grossing media franchise of all time.

But despite ALL of this, despite EVERYTHING I said, the game is pretty decent. I like that this game isn't nearly as railroaded as most Pokemon games are but I also just like don't think that this is an improvement compared to Legends Arceus. That game was everything Scarlet & Violet were and more, and I can't help but wish they added more of Arceus’s DNA to this.

The Pokemon designs are the best the series has had in a while imo. If you're someone who complains about Flamigo being just a flamingo, you need to touch grass. It's almost like you forget that there's a seal pokemon named Seel that evolves into a dugong pokemon named Dewgong.

This game could've been so much more and if Game Freak/Nintendo/The Pokemon Company could've held off another year to polish out all the performance issues and glitches, this game could've been one of the best in the series. If your performance issues are nonintrusive, I ENVY you.

I don't think Backloggd will let me tag this as Ten Paragraph Andy but this review definitely is.

This isn't a simulation. It's an RTS

Your enjoyment totally hinges on if you like Chloe so uhhh yeah this games great

Only 89 Characters????? WHY NOT 90?//?//?//???

I technically played "Punch-Out featuring Mr. Dream", so my opinion's practically worthless

For a game about choice, you really don't get a choice.

Glad these games are preserved in SOME way

Great boards, subpar minigames. And I was drunk, so I should know.