A game I'm lowkey begging for a sequel to

It's not smash, but still shockingly good

It's fine, but not really my thing

I had to stop playing this game because I knew I would get too addicted to it

This is a perfect example of how you make a comedy game.

I know I love a game when I think "I've only been playing for like 10 minutes right?" and realize 3 hours passed

probably the best WarioWare since DIY

Crazy that this game is as fun as it is but it’s almost required that you play with friends.

even if you're not a great drawer, this game is a lot of fun.

didn't realize how much I love this game until i came back to it like, last week

9 year old me would be proud

Sorry apollo, but Athena’s game is better than yours...

It just scratches an itch that I didn't know existed