I can sit here and complain about how unhuman-like the characters are, how badly this recreates a retail store, and how a long, narrow, completely pitch black hallway is somehow the ideal break room for my employees but like I played it for almost 5 hours straight so I can at least say I enjoyed it

Amazing highs when your guess is very close to the original location

Terrible lows when your guess is Oklahoma but it’s actually in Singapore

It just scratches an itch that I didn't know existed

I respect it for what it is but the RPG elements kill it for me

It's not too long, but it's definitely the most unique and replayable visual novel I've ever played

Like, is it good? Yeah ofc but it still has glaring problems. Visuals definitely weren’t at the forefront of the developers minds because the pop in is rough and some graphics look real crusty sometimes.

But ultimately, the game is super fun and the refresher the Pokémon franchise really needed. Shoutout to my main girl Eggnog for carrying me at the end.

Seriously one of the best rhythm games ever

The core game itself is really good but nintendo really likes to pull the whole "you play our games the way WE want you to" thing here... You're telling me I can't play the best mode in this game because it's not """open"""????? what the fuck??????

Glad these games are preserved in SOME way

Didn’t think I’d have a lot to say but here we are

The story this game tells is amazing. I really love how it tells so much with so little. There aren’t any cutscenes or any explanations as to what’s going on (not until you beat the level at least) but you can kind of piece it together based on what you’re unpacking. I don’t want to spoil anything here but some of the twists and turns it takes are really cool and it’s amazing how it tells me all this without literally telling me. I can’t begin to explain how much I love it.... But like the game itself is only okay lol.

It’s not like I hated it but playing on the switch definitely made the experience a drag. You have to control a mouse cursor with a joystick which just made me wish I was playing the steam version for the entire playthrough. And on top of that, nothing’s more annoying than meticulously placing a bunch of stuff you unpacked into the perfect spots only for the game to go “nuh uh! That computer tower can’t be placed THERE you fucking moron idiot, you need to move it 3 tiles to the LEFT!!!!”

What I’m saying is, get this game on steam to save yourself the pain. You won’t avoid the game telling you how to play it but at least it won’t be annoying trying to reshuffle objects around.

Having 96 courses isn’t something to sneeze at and i gotta admire this game for having the biggest course and character selection in the series.
It’d probably be the best Mario Kart, but I just can’t forgive it for including 5 babies, 2 metals and 8 Bowser Jrs.

The rating is purely nostalgia.

Even if I only played the second one as a kid i mean c’mon these are the same game

Holy shit does this game have some bullshit though. By the second half, if you're not playing nearly PERFECTLY, you're fucked. simple as that

Guys I don’t know how I fell down this rabbit hole.