Yeah pretty great. I truly hope we see more paper mario games like this in the future.

Love the idea more than the game

Playing this in the year of our lord 2024 really shows how crusty it is

the best Pokemon game DON'T AT ME. (white notwithstanding)

I love how much ambition they had with this game. Beautiful sprite animation, an actual compelling story, and a region filled with completely new Pokemon.

What's most disappointing is that we'll probably NEVER get another Pokemon game like this ever again

Did a nuzlocke of this

How did Marshtomp die at the fire gym??? It’s not fair 😰😭

I played this side by side with Jeannie playing Silver and it was such a great experience. We traded and battled using LINK CABLES dude it was great, highly recommend

A great racing game that makes me wish I could have my own personal time bubble, where time doesn't progress, solely so I can get good enough to beat the hard GPs.

The rating might go down the more I think about it, but man it feels so good to be excited to play a 2D Mario game again.

This game is so imaginative. Every wonder flower either left me surprised with what it changed or made me go "Oh awesome, I loved this mechanic before."

Toadette's playable!!!! Me and the other 3 toadetteheads are LOSING IT!!!

Finding secrets in this game reminds me of Mario World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crazy how after 2 not great Zelda games, they said "okay, now here's the real game".

Holds up incredibly well, minus a couple weird dumb decisions... like that fucking worm boss that knocks you back down a floor like what the fuck man that shit's so annoying lmao

Definitely fun, but this game has like an identity crisis.

The story mode’s so cool but feels a little underbaked and the multiplayer is fun but weirdly limited. I wish they’d choose one to seriously focus on.

A fine filler case. It is great to see the gang back together but…. That’s really it

Your enjoyment totally hinges on if you like Chloe so uhhh yeah this games great

guess tekken just isn't really my thing